2018.10.22 W. Zhao Comments1 Alex Marshall Subject:FW: 900 King Street concern From: Wei Zhao [mailto:vvzhao@gmail.com] Sent: Monday, October 22, 2018 1:11 PM To: Christopher Bradbury <CBradbury@ryebrook.org> Subject: 900 King Street concern Good Afternoon, In addition to previously submitted concerns on safety, school, environment, etc, I reviewed Chapter 12 of the DEIS report on traffic. Surprisingly, Tabel 12-1 on page 12-3 shows single digit pedestrian counts in all peak hours observed. Being a scientist as my profession, I would like to point out that the data presented here are not reliable for the following reasons: 1. Data are collected on two specific dates: Mar 29, 2017 and Jan 31, 2018, both are Wednesdays. Two time points, especially all in the winter season, are not statistically acceptable as representative data; 2. There is no weather condition reported. Considering the two dates are all in winter, severe weathers like snow or rain could result in significant decrease of pedestrian counts; 3. Is manual counting conducted by a single person or the average of multiple people? Considering there are lots of middle school and high school students walking to school in the AM peak hour, it's hard to believe that such a low number was observed. Ideally, human error could be avoided if the numbers are from video evidence showing representative pedestrian counts in different seasons and different weather conditions. Besides, I still don't see any reason for seeking a code change to lower the age limit to 55 years. Sincerely, Wei Zhao, PhD 97 Brush Hollow Close