2018.10.19 P. & M. Maniscalco Comments1 Alex Marshall Subject:FW: 900 King Street Objection -----Original Message----- From: Michelle Maniscalco [mailto:maniscalcos5@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, October 19, 2018 4:43 PM To: Christopher Bradbury <CBradbury@ryebrook.org> Cc: Peter Maniscalco <peter.maniscalco97@gmail.com> Subject: 900 King Street Objection Mr. Bradbury: I am writing to you to express our objection to the proposal to build rental units at 900 King Street. This community will suffer greatly if we are to allow this proposal. Like many, we came to this school district specifically because of it’s small school district and it’s high entry cost. For more than a decade, we have seen that property values have been preserved due to these two main reasons. However, if we are to allow any type of rental properties, particularly those in such volume as in the proposal, we will be creating undue taxation on our school system, and the children in our schools (and our property values) will suffer. We lack capacity to handle potentially hundreds more families in the schools. I understand that the current proposal is for a 55+ community, but this does not preclude older parents, grandparents, or subsequent occupants from occupying the units at this, or some future time. Preservation of our school system and our property values must be of utmost importance in considering this project. Residents will suffer if this project is approved. Thank you, Peter and Michelle Maniscalco