20 - Growth Inducing ImpactsDEIS 20-1 9/12/2018 Chapter 20: Growth-Inducing Impacts This Chapter analyzes the potential for the Proposed Action to have secondary, or “growth-inducing,” environmental impacts. As such, these analyses address the potential for the Proposed Action to have one or more significant adverse environmental impacts that were identified in the Lead Agency’s Positive Declaration (see Appendix A-5). The Proposed Action, inclusive of the Proposed Zoning and Proposed Project, would not be expected to induce growth elsewhere in the Village of Rye Brook (the “Village”) or region. The Proposed Project is being proposed to serve a current and existing need. As shown in Chapter 9, “Socioeconomic and Fiscal Impacts,” the population of the Village, and the region as a whole, is both growing and aging, which has created an increased demand for senior living facilities. This trend is expected to continue with or without the implementation of the Proposed Project. The Proposed Project does not include the extension of any infrastructure, such as roadways, sewer or water systems, or electric or gas systems, into areas not currently served. As such, the Proposed Project’s infrastructure improvements, as described in Chapter 11, “Infrastructure and Utilities,” would only serve the demands of the Proposed Project and would not induce additional growth elsewhere in the Village. While the Proposed Project would have approximately 463 residents, this population would not be expected to create significant new commercial development pressure in the region. Rather, the Proposed Project would include a high level of on-Site amenities for Proposed Project residents, including meal service, exercise and fitness options, and entertainment. The off-Site spending of the Proposed Project’s residents would therefore be expected to increase the patronage of existing Village businesses, and not create the demand for new development. 