2018_01_12 A_ Wang CommentsFrom: Angel Wang [mailto:anjianw@gmail.com] Sent: Friday, January 12, 2018 1:06 AM To: Christopher Bradbury; Mayor Paul S. Rosenberg; Susan R. Epstein; David M. Heiser; Jason A. Klein; j.rednick@verizon.net Subject: 900 King Street Dear Honorable Mayor Rosenberg and Honorable Members of the Board of Trustees, My name is Angel Wang, and lives in the Arbor's Brush Hollow Cres. There are a few things troubles me and my neighbors since the 900 King Street development idea started. Here are the list I would like brought to your attention: 1. Why do we put up such a big senior assistant living development into such an inconvenience & not senior-friendly location? Right next to our middle and high school, in such a already traffic congested location. If the developers have done a real traffic study in this area, the will know how many school buses around this area during 2:30-4:30, as well as how many commuters are using the King Street during rush hours. Adding additional 249 units on Arbor Drive and around King Street will cause the traffic even worse. Those seniors will not have a peaceful mind living there, which will make this project hard to sell or rent after it's done. I will never consider this for my parents. I moved to Rye Brook over 4 years ago, and I had been stuck on King right out the Arbors for over 20 minutes at least 5 times due to the truck hitting bridge or accidents on King Street. The worst one so far was I sit in the traffic for over an hour while I was just a mile away from the Arbors. During those traffic jam period, there is no other way around in this location. How can a senior center find it a good home? It's hard to believe. 2. 900 King was not a good planning project. Since our town is trying to correct this mistake and put this location back to live, why not sending out options survey to Rye Brook Residents, and find a best and proper project for this location. Rye Brook is not famous for its retirement home. People move to Rye Brook for its school system these days, not moving here to retire. Building an unpopular project will have bigger chance to turn it into another empty buildings in the future. 3. This assistant is taking up 74% of the land which is not environmental friendly, disturbing wild lives and killing mature trees is not the direction that Rye Brook should take. Not to mention, we will face mice situation in big time due to the wetland got compromised. 4. As a 249 assistant living project, they will need large amount of outside service. How can we trust all the strangers in and out on the daily base right next to our Middle-school kids and high- school kids, especially those walking-home kids. Have anyone worried about our kids' safety? School kids run around the Arbor Drives during spring and summer for their track and field, and all other outdoor activities. Where do they go during the lengthy construction time? We have had so many missing kids tragedies happened these days nationwide, and why can't we keep our Rye Brook as safe and pretty as it could possibly be. Leave our school surrounding less complicated! 5. The Arbor's property value will be washed down after this development. Most of home buyers will not consider a house beside school, next to assistant living, and only have one road in and out. Current Arbors home owners whom rent out their property will immediately look to sell as soon as the project decision is made. Rental market in the Arbors will be taken away by the new development. if Arbors property tax goes down, it will have enough impact on our town's revenue. 6. Due to the complicated driving situation between school, Arbor Drive, King Street and Gleenville Street, Rye Brook police will soon be facing conflicts between teenage drivers and senior drivers on the daily base. People don't normally put senior living and high school next to each other for a good reason. I don't think the developer care about our kids safety nor the senior's safety. 7. If this project goes to construction, it probably will fall to the same time frame as the renovation of elementary school, middle school and high school. There will be three heavy construction sites within a short distance. It will certainly cause huge problems to the environment, traffic, and school kids' safety. If town is building new single family house or reusing the structure of the existing building and turning it into condo building will make much more sense than building assistant living townhouses. Thanks for listening. I am sure you all will make the best decision to benefit our town. Best Regards, Angel