2018_01_08 B_ Straubinger CommentsFrom: Bill Straubinger [mailto:billstraub@verizon.net] Sent: Monday, January 08, 2018 11:08 AM To: Christopher Bradbury Subject: Comment on the Draft DEIS Scoping Outline Dear Mr. Bradbury, As a resident of The Arbors in Rye Brook. I am writing regarding the proposed project at 900 King Street, and in particular to comment on the Draft DEIS Scoping Outline presented by the applicant. I urge you to adopt revisions to the Outline requiring greater analysis of mitigation measures, as well as alternatives to this project as currently proposed. In particular, I urge you to require increased analysis of alternatives to the Project that will incorporate the following: Less - bulk, density, and scale: impact on ground disturbance and wetlands and impact on vegetation. Alternatives to setting the age restriction at 55 years, alternatives that will have less impact on local traffic and alternatives that do not require demolition and a massive construction project. Our board has also sent you a letter outlining other important areas of concern for us. I hope you will take these into serious consideration. Respectfully, Bill Straubinger