Appendix JAppendix J Construction Period Noise Analysis FALSE Leq L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 1 Arbors Condos (North Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 69.8 70.1 12.0 73.1 69.8 70.1 12.0 73.1 52.1 59.1 1.0 62.1 61.1 62.9 4.8 65.9 66.5 67.1 9.0 70.1 2 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 56.0 60.2 2.1 63.2 56.2 60.3 2.2 63.3 41.0 58.2 0.1 61.2 50.0 58.7 0.6 61.7 54.2 59.6 1.5 62.6 3 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Lane)6 58.1 61.1 64.9 65.7 7.6 68.7 64.9 65.7 7.6 68.7 50.2 58.8 0.7 61.8 59.2 61.7 3.6 64.7 62.7 64.0 5.9 67.0 4 Arbors Condos (North Side of Brush Hollow Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 54.0 59.5 1.4 62.5 55.2 59.9 1.8 62.9 40.4 58.2 0.1 61.2 49.4 58.6 0.5 61.6 53.2 59.3 1.2 62.3 5 Blind Brook School West 4 59 62 57.8 61.5 2.5 64.5 68.6 69.1 10.1 72.1 48.8 59.4 0.4 62.4 57.8 61.5 2.5 64.5 66.6 67.3 8.3 70.3 6 Blind Brook School South 4 59 62 50.6 59.6 0.6 62.6 50.7 59.6 0.6 62.6 36.6 59.0 0.0 62.0 45.6 59.2 0.2 62.2 48.7 59.4 0.4 62.4 7 942 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 70.5 72.7 4.0 75.7 70.5 72.7 4.0 75.7 64.1 70.0 1.3 73.0 73.1 74.4 5.7 77.4 73.1 74.4 5.7 77.4 8 947 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 54.1 68.8 0.1 71.8 56.0 68.9 0.2 71.9 47.3 68.7 0.0 71.7 56.3 68.9 0.2 71.9 56.3 68.9 0.2 71.9 9 The Ridge Street Country School (across the Hutch)5 61.8 64.8 57.1 63.1 1.3 66.1 58.8 63.6 1.8 66.6 44.0 61.9 0.1 64.9 53.0 62.3 0.5 65.3 56.8 63.0 1.2 66.0 10 446 North Ridge Street 5 61.8 64.8 54.4 62.5 0.7 65.5 59.1 63.7 1.9 66.7 46.5 61.9 0.1 64.9 55.5 62.7 0.9 65.7 57.1 63.1 1.3 66.1 11 14 Walker Court (Arbor and King)2 70 73 52.8 70.1 0.1 73.1 56.1 70.2 0.2 73.2 45.0 70.0 0.0 73.0 54.0 70.1 0.1 73.1 54.1 70.1 0.1 73.1 12 109 Glenville Street (Glenville and King)3 70.3 73.3 50.0 70.3 0.0 73.3 53.2 70.4 0.1 73.4 41.5 70.3 0.0 73.3 50.5 70.3 0.0 73.3 51.2 70.4 0.1 73.4 13 Harkness Tennis Court 2 70 73 68.4 72.3 2.3 75.3 69.2 72.6 2.6 75.6 56.1 70.2 0.2 73.2 65.1 71.2 1.2 74.2 67.2 71.8 1.8 74.8 14 Blind Brook School Football Field and Track 4 59 62 54.3 60.3 1.3 63.3 56.5 60.9 1.9 63.9 43.7 59.1 0.1 62.1 52.7 59.9 0.9 62.9 54.5 60.3 1.3 63.3 15 Village Hall, Rye Brook Police Department, Rye Brook Fire Department 2 70 73 78.4 79.0 9.0 82.0 78.4 79.0 9.0 82.0 72.5 74.4 4.4 77.4 81.5 81.8 11.8 84.8 81.5 81.8 11.8 84.8 16 Blind Brook School Baseball Field 4 59 62 55.1 60.5 1.5 63.5 55.4 60.6 1.6 63.6 41.2 59.1 0.1 62.1 50.2 59.5 0.5 62.5 53.4 60.1 1.1 63.1 Leq L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 1 Arbors Condos (North Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 66.5 67.1 9.0 70.1 66.5 67.1 9.0 70.1 66.8 67.3 9.2 70.3 66.8 67.3 9.2 70.3 66.8 67.3 9.2 70.3 2 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 54.2 59.6 1.5 62.6 54.2 59.6 1.5 62.6 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 3 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Lane)6 58.1 61.1 62.7 64.0 5.9 67.0 62.7 64.0 5.9 67.0 63.4 64.5 6.4 67.5 63.4 64.5 6.4 67.5 63.4 64.5 6.4 67.5 4 Arbors Condos (North Side of Brush Hollow Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 53.2 59.3 1.2 62.3 53.2 59.3 1.2 62.3 52.6 59.2 1.1 62.2 52.6 59.2 1.1 62.2 52.6 59.2 1.1 62.2 5 Blind Brook School West 4 59 62 66.6 67.3 8.3 70.3 66.6 67.3 8.3 70.3 64.1 65.3 6.3 68.3 64.1 65.3 6.3 68.3 70.3 70.6 11.6 73.6 6 Blind Brook School South 4 59 62 48.7 59.4 0.4 62.4 48.7 59.4 0.4 62.4 50.6 59.6 0.6 62.6 50.6 59.6 0.6 62.6 50.6 59.6 0.6 62.6 7 942 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 68.3 71.5 2.8 74.5 68.3 71.5 2.8 74.5 65.7 70.5 1.8 73.5 65.7 70.5 1.8 73.5 65.7 70.5 1.8 73.5 8 947 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 54.0 68.8 0.1 71.8 54.0 68.8 0.1 71.8 52.3 68.8 0.1 71.8 52.3 68.8 0.1 71.8 52.3 68.8 0.1 71.8 9 The Ridge Street Country School (across the Hutch)5 61.8 64.8 56.8 63.0 1.2 66.0 56.8 63.0 1.2 66.0 55.3 62.7 0.9 65.7 55.3 62.7 0.9 65.7 55.3 62.7 0.9 65.7 10 446 North Ridge Street 5 61.8 64.8 57.1 63.1 1.3 66.1 57.1 63.1 1.3 66.1 54.4 62.5 0.7 65.5 54.4 62.5 0.7 65.5 54.4 62.5 0.7 65.5 11 14 Walker Court (Arbor and King)2 70 73 54.1 70.1 0.1 73.1 54.1 70.1 0.1 73.1 54.6 70.1 0.1 73.1 54.6 70.1 0.1 73.1 54.6 70.1 0.1 73.1 12 109 Glenville Street (Glenville and King)3 70.3 73.3 51.2 70.4 0.1 73.4 51.2 70.4 0.1 73.4 52.4 70.4 0.1 73.4 52.4 70.4 0.1 73.4 52.4 70.4 0.1 73.4 13 Harkness Tennis Court 2 70 73 67.2 71.8 1.8 74.8 67.2 71.8 1.8 74.8 70.2 73.1 3.1 76.1 70.2 73.1 3.1 76.1 70.2 73.1 3.1 76.1 14 Blind Brook School Football Field and Track 4 59 62 54.5 60.3 1.3 63.3 54.5 60.3 1.3 63.3 56.4 60.9 1.9 63.9 56.4 60.9 1.9 63.9 56.4 60.9 1.9 63.9 15 Village Hall, Rye Brook Police Department, Rye Brook Fire Department 2 70 73 73.4 75.0 5.0 78.0 73.4 75.0 5.0 78.0 69.8 72.9 2.9 75.9 69.8 72.9 2.9 75.9 69.8 72.9 2.9 75.9 16 Blind Brook School Baseball Field 4 59 62 53.4 60.1 1.1 63.1 53.4 60.1 1.1 63.1 55.0 60.5 1.5 63.5 55.0 60.5 1.5 63.5 55.0 60.5 1.5 63.5 Leq L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 Const Leq Total Leq Leq Inc L10 1 Arbors Condos (North Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 66.8 67.3 9.2 70.3 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 53.8 59.5 1.4 62.5 2 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 52.8 59.2 1.1 62.2 39.8 58.2 0.1 61.2 39.8 58.2 0.1 61.2 39.8 58.2 0.1 61.2 3 Arbors Condos (South Side of Ivy Hill Lane)6 58.1 61.1 62.5 63.8 5.7 66.8 49.5 58.7 0.6 61.7 49.5 58.7 0.6 61.7 49.5 58.7 0.6 61.7 4 Arbors Condos (North Side of Brush Hollow Crescent)6 58.1 61.1 51.0 58.9 0.8 61.9 38.0 58.1 0.0 61.1 38.0 58.1 0.0 61.1 38.0 58.1 0.0 61.1 5 Blind Brook School West 4 59 62 70.3 70.6 11.6 73.6 52.3 59.8 0.8 62.8 47.3 59.3 0.3 62.3 47.3 59.3 0.3 62.3 6 Blind Brook School South 4 59 62 50.6 59.6 0.6 62.6 37.6 59.0 0.0 62.0 37.6 59.0 0.0 62.0 37.6 59.0 0.0 62.0 7 942 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 56.0 68.9 0.2 71.9 50.3 68.8 0.1 71.8 47.7 68.7 0.0 71.7 43.0 68.7 0.0 71.7 8 947 King Street 1 68.7 71.7 43.5 68.7 0.0 71.7 36.0 68.7 0.0 71.7 34.3 68.7 0.0 71.7 30.5 68.7 0.0 71.7 9 The Ridge Street Country School (across the Hutch)5 61.8 64.8 53.6 62.4 0.6 65.4 40.6 61.8 0.0 64.8 40.6 61.8 0.0 64.8 40.6 61.8 0.0 64.8 10 446 North Ridge Street 5 61.8 64.8 50.7 62.1 0.3 65.1 39.1 61.8 0.0 64.8 37.7 61.8 0.0 64.8 37.7 61.8 0.0 64.8 11 14 Walker Court (Arbor and King)2 70 73 45.4 70.0 0.0 73.0 36.6 70.0 0.0 73.0 36.6 70.0 0.0 73.0 32.4 70.0 0.0 73.0 12 109 Glenville Street (Glenville and King)3 70.3 73.3 45.0 70.3 0.0 73.3 34.4 70.3 0.0 73.3 34.4 70.3 0.0 73.3 32.0 70.3 0.0 73.3 13 Harkness Tennis Court 2 70 73 60.6 70.5 0.5 73.5 52.2 70.1 0.1 73.1 52.2 70.1 0.1 73.1 47.6 70.0 0.0 73.0 14 Blind Brook School Football Field and Track 4 59 62 52.5 59.9 0.9 62.9 39.5 59.0 0.0 62.0 39.5 59.0 0.0 62.0 39.5 59.0 0.0 62.0 15 Village Hall, Rye Brook Police Department, Rye Brook Fire Department 2 70 73 57.5 70.2 0.2 73.2 55.4 70.1 0.1 73.1 51.8 70.1 0.1 73.1 44.5 70.0 0.0 73.0 16 Blind Brook School Baseball Field 4 59 62 54.4 60.3 1.3 63.3 41.4 59.1 0.1 62.1 41.4 59.1 0.1 62.1 41.4 59.1 0.1 62.1 Months (Timeline) Duration Receiver Number Receiver Area Survey Site Receiver Number Receiver Area Survey Site Months (Timeline) 1,8-1,10 1,11-1,12 900 King Street Construction Noise Receiver Number 2 3 1 Receiver Area Survey Site Months (Timeline) 2,1-2,3 2,4 Duration 3 3 1 3 1,1-1,3 1,4-1,6 1,7 Duration 2 2,5-2,6 1 2,8 1 2,9 6 2,10-3,3 1 3,4 1 2,7 1 3,5