HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-04-24 SEQR Lead Agency - NYSDEC ResponseNEW YORK STATE DEPARTMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONSERVATION Division of Environmental Permits, Region 3 21 South Putt Corners Road. New P11ltz. NY 12561-1620 P: (845) 256-30541 F: (845) 255-4659 www.dec.ny.gov Village of Rye Brook Attn: Christopher Bradbury 938 King Street Rye Brook, New York 10573 RE: Sun Homes Development (Phase 3) SEQR Lead Agency Designation Town of Rye, Westchester County CH#: 5766 Dear Mr. Bradbury: April 24, 2015 The New York Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) has reviewed the Village of Rye Brook's State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR) notice of intent to serve as lead agency for the above referenced project. This inquiry was received by the DEC on 4/3/2015. The proposed project consists of the development of 110 dwellings on a 31.56-acre parcel. Based on the DEC review, we offer the following comments: PROTECTION OF WATERS The following stream(s)/pond(s)/waterbody(ies) is( are) located within or near the site you indicated: Name Blind Brook Class DEC Water Index Number C �Ll�S_1�1������ Status Non-protected· A Protection of Waters permit is required to physically disturb the bed or banks (up to 50 · feet from stream) of any streams identified above as "protected." A permit is not required to disturb the bed or banks of "non-protected" streams. If a permit is not required, please note, however, the project sponsor is still responsible for ensuring that work shall not pollute any stream or waterbody. Care shall be taken to stabilize any disturbed areas promptly after construction, and all necessary precautions shall be taken to prevent contamination of the stream or waterbody by silt, sediment, fuels, solvents, lubricants, or any other pollutant associated with the project. FRESHWATER WETLANDS The projecUsite is near or in Freshwater Wetland G-3, Class !!. Be aware that a Freshwater Wetlands permit is required for any physical disturbance within these boundaries or within the 100 foot adjacent area. To have the boundary delineated, please contact the Bureau of Habitat. ;r0roRK I Dep.artment of """'"""' Environmental Conservation -OVER PLEASE - RE: Sun Homes Development (Phase 3) SEQR Lead Agency Designation Town of Rye, Westchester County CH#: 5766 Date: 4/24/2015 Please contact the United States Army Corps of Engineers in New York City, telephone (917) 790-8511 (Westchester/Rockland Counties), or (917) 790-8411 (other counties), for any permitting they might require. STATE-LISTED SPECIES No records of sensitive resources were identified by this review. The absence of data does not necessarily mean that rare or state-listed species, natural communities or other significant habitats do not exist on or adjacent to the proposed site. Rather, our files currently do not contain information which indicates their presence. For most sites, comprehensive field surveys have not been conducted. We cannot provide a definitive statement on the presence or absence of all rare or state-listed species or significant natural communities. Depending on the nature of the project and the conditions at the project site, further information from on-site surveys or other sources may be required to fully assess impacts on biological resources CULTURAL RESOURCES We have reviewed the statewide inventory of archaeological resources maintained by the New York State Museum and the New York State Office of Parks, Recreation, and Historic Preservation. These records indicate that the project is not located within an area considered to be sensitive with regard to archaeological resources. For more information, please visit the New York State Office of Historic Preservation website at http://www.nysparks.com/shpo/. OTHER By copy of this letter we are advising William McGuinness, Sun Homes, of the above referenced resources, concerns and potential DEC permits. It is possible that the DEC permit requirements may change based upon additional information received or as project modifications occur. If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact me at (845) 256-3096. Please contact this office if you have questions regarding the above information. Thank you. Cc: William McGuinness, Sun Homes 21Page Jonathan Stercho Division of Environmental Permits Region 3, Telephone No. 845/256-3096 RE: Sun Homes Development {Phase 3) SEQR Lead Agency Designation Town of Rye, Westchester County CH#: 5766 Date: 4/24/2015 NOTE: Regarding erosion/sedimentation control requirements: Stormwater discharges require a State Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (SP DES) Stormwater permit from this Department if they either: • occur at industrial facilities and contain either toxic contaminants or priority pollutants OR • result from construction projects involving the disturbance of 5000 square feet or more of land within the NYC Department of Environmental Protection East of Hudson Watershed or for proposed disturbance of 1 acre or more of land outside the NYC DEP Watershed Your project may be covered by one of two Statewide General Permits or may require an individual permit. For information on stormwater and the general permits, see the DEC website at http://www.dec.ny.gov/chemical/8468.html. For construction permits, if this site is within an MS4 area (Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System), the stormwater plan must be reviewed and accepted by the municipality and the MS-4 Acceptance Form must be submitted to the Department. If the site is not within an MS4 area and other DEC permits are required, please contact the regional Division of Environmental Permits. 31Page