HomeMy WebLinkAbout1985-05-28 - Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes AGENDA VILLAGE BOARD MEETING MAY 28, 1985 1. Approval. of Minutes 2. Public Hearings a. Betsy Brown Associates Subdivision of property on Betsy Brown Road. -) Franel Management Corp. J Subdivision of property on upper King Street. C. Amendment to V & T Law No parking near intersection of Division Street & (, v '/ Westchester Avenue. d. Amendment to Zoning Law Changes in permitted uses in one family residential districts. el Special Use Permit Gary & Angela Stromberg, 62 Bowman Avenue Il l rf Adjourned on April 23, 1985 to May 28, 1985. 3. Communications a. Letter & Local Law from County Executive re: Drought Emergency. b. Letter from Joan Heller, re: Belove Subdivision / 4. Discussion a. Easement Agreements - Greenwich Woods 5. Resolutions a. Local 456 Contract Agreement. /`j b. Appointments C. Tax Adjustments s xE pncacwT : Mayor xaucenez/ Trustees neis��jn, waruj ' cresenzi , zak Attorney Kromer r,easurer, Cortes, czerk Smith Mayor xahcenelz - The planning Board has reco"menuea approval , uaseo on revised Plans dated 2/20/95 and suoj~ct to the Following condi L!onsg Approval of Final SH ze and Landscape plans. Fire and *Uohwav opphs. approval uf Me plans, cnooeerino ,erL"caNun Mat the main +/oor aoa naraoe levels will be above JAG year +z000 level . oaevuate off-street parking to ue pro,iueo hy the developer. Ion-/nrlusioo of a swimming Pool , We have a *uestion as to wheMer ~e ^eea an cn,irn^me"tal Impact atatemeot� ` �George Morrow, Special *s!qis+a^t- to Ilo. Mayor - we have received a verbal report from Fred xelzono, an eno/oeer \ »il,eu by the Board. He xas svme co"c~rn about the uesin^ of the sewer and water svyLems - he sueyest.0 that- these be »zoceu in an ease*ent` so that the vi Lzaee could then come in to maintain ifoecessar'. He also has great. concern about the area m`at will be fill, (I in. r»e 100 year +zovu plain takes in shout four nr five of toese uni1ts, and if they put fill in that area, there would Ibe u/yvlucemenit of waMrs that wouz^ norwallr nv there. " ere °as also a question as to whether t1le mower plans meet Westchester County speci+icatio"s, wxici must be adhered u`. Mayor xabce"*/l - there are several s'ecl;ics Lu dc wiUh arainane ,uno++ which ueem not to L~ satisfied su++icie^u. here +or us to uJure7s the rest of the issue. Fred Kellogg - we would not +i^u Lt- if the r"noF+ affecLs txe neighbors. There shu"zu also be easeme,.ts in connection with water, ^sewer, t)].acktor areas etc. so t1lait the vi llane woulo be i^ a Pest Lion to Per form emergency wor1, and charge it back to t.he »nweowner* * ~ wa'or xauceneI) - aIz Uhis would I a,e Lo he III It i"to I-tle ]0U�1��& � n reso�u �o ` t oam F101--ere+ore / F101-- ure s s �� erves an pur*nse �o � � � uo furL I Ier wi t.,11 this Until we have sMisfea uurseI,e, MoL Lire e"ui^eerino furmuzae are aoequaLe� There was a oueytion from a resiueo(1 asx/^, fur cumpalrj.sons of runu+f co"oi+ions of: ,zustI°r si.nple houses. Mayor xabce^elz - the f/uures we nave are compared to what exists un the property now. There was a question regarding a/sp/aceme"t: o+ animals nn this property - possibly the Humane nocieLv coulu be coos,ztea. On the motion of TrusLee waruL , seconueu by Trustee oresenzi , nsooLvEo that tiis pxLzAc xearino he aujcur"ea u"LAz June 27th 1905, the next renuzar Boar meetiny, it a p.m Trust e~ wej.sIkio voting *Ys TrusL.ee Nardi voting xvs TrusLee creseozi voLLnn AYE TrusLee Zak vvt/oy mYs Mayor xaucenelz voting AYE The pza"ninn aoaru recommended anpro"a/ o" March o. 1905 subject to Fred xezIng 's recommenuat iv^s. mr. ue.1zOgg - what appears Lo !Ic a uete^Lion po"u` is ^vt., and it: J , not streaw-fed. The, va1u* Of I I For +zCod co"t, oz is zero. The plan Filer] with the plao"i"o ovaru is that if- 11~ t11~ filled, F.he Site be nruueu, with �.t cry well to contain drainage a^a roof runoff. The property is on xiny ntree+, abotA xvo feet oort» of Uoco Lane. Toero *re no buildings on the property now. Felix piaeziu"s - as one lot 1t ha, the 'eoui/eu mean wiaUl, b^1t the two lots reouestea "o not meet Lhe requirement, a"u a ,arJa^ce wnuzu be needed in or del ~o uu�lu on the two z(As. mnvor xabc*nezl - the neighbors ,e,e outti+iea Of: the pza"niny Board proceeoIons and of lo^i.u»L 's hearing? ` nrs� v�oza we15o" said tha+ She wzs nnc notified of the V pa� e �a ec"na �ann�nn ouara mee��v� - /� nuar31'det y � " mei"v * ~ sll° has asked for, a report whic ) she °ouzu zij�~ to »a,e t|`e np"orLuni L to re,iew. 000U|W5 Truscee mar-di - if we orant L Ie suuoivi.sion, a"o L ie ' ,ar.1ance i 93 no appr,vra, woul d tila` prec/uue te mvner Ium uuizu[no can the nroperLr. Attorney Kromer - we MJuzu he creukting two non-con;urminn zots' and z would \ikp HIP ooportuni Ly �o ree:amine this appz�cu��oo Mayor xa»cenezz - in lioht of this requeslt and t»e reques! For further situuy` and the faclz /hal z w°s nor, awa,r that t»ese were non-con+or,mirig Ints e��xer, ' Lb/ill, It appropriate tIlat we aajuuro tjj/S jjearjnu unti 1 zure 23t», oo the motion of Trustee Mei,- ,i^, seconded by rrustee crese"zi ` nsaoL.vco Lhat the puul�c Hearing on the avpzica,i"n of rraneI uorp. for s,oui,isiu. of: property v^ ci,/y Street be. aajournea until Ju.e colto 1.9o3) at o n.m� Trv��ee weiskio voting «vs Trustee Nardi voting ovs Trustee c,eseo�i voting ovs . rrusltee Zak ,ntion ovs mayor xaucenezl voting AYE Mayor xaocpnelz - this has been pre»nsed, studied and vasre^ by the Tra++ii- commiysion^ On the motion of rrusLee weisl�l^, secunued by Trusbee cresenz� , nsaoLvco that Local Law No. as omexumeoL to veh icIe ?, Traff ic Law cnpy of whi,cx is ou r/ze al- f|.e viz/age o++ice, be and herelay is auopLet . Truytec neiskin volzino 4vs Trus+ee Nardi vnitino o,s Trustee oresenzi voting ovc rr"s�ee Zak ,nt/no AYE narnr xalbcenez\ voting AYE c� -HEA�y��-��-u��muc!:�mu-��� 1����-���i�,�� L`�W ---------- Mayor ualjcenel I - thiy' cxa^no- some uses whic11 were permilttea to tie now permitted ac: the discretion of the Board, and relates maiozv to traffic a"a change of residential areas. - On Lhe moLion of Trustee neiskin, seconded by Trustee Zak, neooI-vso that I-ocal I-a* Na. 9/85 k"o°n as omenuwenL to the ' zonino Law of Lhe vizlane of nye orouk (formerly the zooinq Code of the Town of nye) woth reoaru [in changeis in permHtru uses L^ One-rawlzy Residential oistrkcts, copy of *jjjc» 1s on f/ze in the Village Office, be anu is hereby auopceu. Trustee weis��in ,ntioo 4vs TrusLee Nardi voting ovs Trustee oreseozi. ,otinq n/s TrusILee Zak vntiou ovs Mayor uabcenezz ,oUng AYE AVENUE -- ADJOURNED Th[s was aaj^urnpu +ro~ toe Iust. mem L i.rig - it is a reouesL to co^ouct a commuoiraLio^s co"svltjno [31-tsiness at 62 oowma" o,pnue. Txe pla"oInn Board recnmmenaea apnro,az of this application providing thaL the use u"a occupancy he zim/teu, as described in +oe cover letter frum the applicants' attoroey, oruou Giuffra, uaLea eeptemoer 24, 199'5� Mr. niof+re statea that txe necessary o,ttices hid ueeo senl- n"t, and gave some background infurwatJon on the appzicanl..^. ` He azso :11-ItroCJucea some let1fers from ^~inxuors of the proper Ly, all calling to the Board's a�Ize^Lio^ thul txet;o are desirable neioxbnrs, low level ,sers, and a cn"cribu101 to the area� The wnrt: involved is of a tinhlv nature. wr. ntrumbero deal wi th h is c/ients outsIue of the oui Iuj.^o. There will be nn strucLural changes, and the /esiaentLaz nature and the character of the cummun[tr Will remain the same. Trustee meiskio - *ow many people are empjnveur Mr. otrombern - 3 sta++ plus occ^siuna\ temporary p.nopze. We deal :In training programs for and the meeUn'/s are usually held CAL the clie^t 's locat-Ion . *ourt� are mnnuav to rr/uav 9-5` occasivnallv /ai-enr if we hays a special pr"je�L. Mayor xalicenel.] - the issue here is vol. t»e nbro°heros out � whether or noL that street shm.\u c1-11nne character. In Lhe zoning carried over, it is ina/c�tsu ac a traositio" zone from u,ui"ess to resiue^+i.uz area, a^u thaL is really t.xe question - whether or net "e want to so~ t^aU area changed sionificanLxv. z 11a,(-' no quesUoo that jt miyhL he desirable for people who have resjaences txcre � � � u^u all oI I t +I"d their »umes more at L I,e iere wnre wr [)1O/lQ^ poss����/�v o+ co",er+�oo I t `u a speciaz use, u^a inaeeu, "~, ^° / W1 th e^co specIaz oer*I Z Leu use we Iii 1ow, i t becomes mor r, ui++ic"l L Lu preclude someo^e erse wi Uhout buvjno luwsui L� T ia1: 1s 1'.11e Issve - noI: a chaIzeope Ie a�romuerus cxarac�er ur capauili+[es. We are planning to reevaluate Life nasrer pzan, and we used that reasunioq when we denied Lle re,uesJ.eu cxanne for .I 1-e5taurant use. on the corner of Bo*man ana Westid lesLer-. xr. weiuze o+ r,euericl: r� clark is puLLino t"uether sn~e /o+orma+:[un - oeorue worrow - the ycel,eo tuaar. Mayor xahce^elI - oe have the vre,oyati,e of limiUny cIfannes j.. HIM area unFil we xave ~ore information. In retipoose to a quesi-1011 as to whether the bosiness use OF thIs nropertr without permission had heeo uealt w/ l,x, wayor uahreoezz sLateu that Ihe first lime 11he avaru was aware +hat. It was Liejnn useu was when the matter came be+ore the onura zast month. I was Permitted to co"tinue *urioy Lill, past mo^ffi when the hearing was aajou1 neu. If the use Is riot a/lvweo then there will be a ,in/a( io" of the zm.ino code anqj wElz xa,e Lo termi"ate� . T�us�ee warui - I-jow zu"q will it be before we ca" re,iew u`e Mister- planr Mayor xAlceoell - z would guess six monms - wp will xa,e Lo announce the proceys at the "ext meet/nu� Trvstee warai - z am c"ncernea auoulL accs\erati^o the r tansiciun of that aret., by allowing \Ms specja1 use al: 1-his Lime - z Hoi^k it is going Ln create a oomi"u effect e �� rr, It is a use whic� is nut rr ealzv "vuf,�y�onv� " such as ancLors, dentists, z don't wa^t in rejecL it- uutriuxl , but z wouzo like, to delay it unLjl we have had a chance lo look M. th~ maslter pza" Lo see ~xaL. toe e++ect would be o^ the pint/re neighborhood. z would a.[sn Ii :e, /+ :11: is Iegay possIuzIt,, to all.zu° txe nL.rumL)PV-gs Lo co"ti"ue t ie// operaLion until such time as we do bring this uv ara[^ a/�'�r tile waslzer plan review. Truste~ xreyenzi also staLeu hHSI concern aIout (JI[!!, area Attorney x,ampr suggest-ea perliaps the ntrnmlberos *culu consider- a oneciuz use permit +or six m"ot hs- ` wayor uabcOil ez) - t If purpnse of L If i.s plao j.s Io reevaI"aI ~ the area from Wes1-r-he,ter x,enue uowo to L.»e Rye cI+r ti^p along Ridge Street and the perirlpra' roads arid make sump * uetermJoal:ioo as to wllether the prese^l- pzan is aueqoatc c, should be chu^oeu. Trvsltee Zak was con .1-,r^eu albo"l� graril-i^o the six monri-I per~i+, maybe other peuple wvula want Lo do the same th�"os mavo/ xaucpoell - there are no mnre aPp/.1cations be+ore t^e Board JUL we could put a for-mal mol-/on +or a moraLorium u1� the oext mee+i^o, and wave i+ the fh,s+ issue o+ busi^sss. We have a +ew choices here - 1. pass zhis as recommenueu by the Planning ooaru. o. oen' it - wiM a to vacate tile premises. o Grant at mI*ea time - s/x ~o"ths - wj L h Loe Fill u=rstaouinn t b a L t I Ie resnLill se waepe.0 on 1.1 ie s+Fid v' and by the aPnzica.Us. el,I-, was some ai sc.uys/,n alb out. par1,i^ un auwman o,enue b' peovIe in cunnectior) iv Lx uo��:[ness ySes. nayor xabceneI\ - eacx "f t hu,e uusi"esses was oiven per(Id ssiair anti the que-fl!Ioo is whether we wanL to contjnue that process. This is a sLreet jives ,s t»e o»portuni tr and responsibility of deci.uino whether we ro^Lin,e Lhat. In ill fairness, the s+rec-As ar�- public: s�reets` azwovA anyone is uzzoweu to park toere, so z ac^' I `thiot, a uiscussiov of wxo parked wxere, whe" going t airec� a aoswer Lo our ques,+1.on, wh:ic» is wheL her we shnu\u a11 ow an add itionaI specia1 11erm:1 tteu use on oowman ^,e"ue. At Ohe last wee^iog we eraol-ea a Per muc ,n wecA.c»eslie, o,enue, but indicated we consider wes`coescer Avenue to Lie a dir+erenL oaLure and +oaa, we nassea a zunirig Law to inoI caLe westc11ester Avenue anu uinn aLreeI. t:n he uifferen� ohou/u Hi is app icaLion 13 oranteu, z w//z ask wr. 51:rom1be, n to s,e that his neopIe parl, in 1:11e �ac� rrusI:ee Nardi question the +vcl: lt»a1. rhis applicant is +or a corporal-Aon to use the premiscs and the pi ese^l: zoning /s for- Professional use. ot+orne/ ajo++re stated that pen,ze now i"cnrporate becav�r 0e law treats them oif+ereotz,, ana fxere are ce.Lain tux :,eoe+� Ls. o^ Lhe motion of Trxstee marui , ssconaeu by rrus+ee urese,zi. , xsnoLvso t1lac a npeciaj ose permj,L he era^`eu to o^qeza an./ oary otrombero as renu(�,ytea for a periuu of six mn^--hs fir mi toaar, suujecL. then to whatever ae1ermOnut.ions are m^ae in cunnection With tFIe new wasLer Plan sLuuy. with tlbe acceptance thal� the applicants Will |mIa � le v/l [aoe * ~ harmless From any n*nal-Lies or aor I)us1ness i.nco"venjenc as 000488 that should accrue if the special reroAteu use is noL exte"aeill. Mayor Kahceoell - this is related t" our intent Uo re-sIuuv Llbe entjre area so that i Z gives us a Witter o,,o/tu.lty now to turn an of Uese off until the Quuv has been cum'leLra. rrusLee Melskin - ones L»iy mea^ that [+ we ueciae not Ito cnoL.An"e the Spec/a/ use permit skx munt»s +rom toaay' /he busi"ess wiz1 1-1ave 1-n cease na'ur x*ocenezz - t11a1: is swe wouzd neea aoreeme^1: fro* the applicant to these terms,, On txe au,ice of counsel , +he app] [(-art- accepiteu Lxese Lei ms and cooaiLio"s. Trustee meiskin voting "vc Trustee Mardi voting ovs Trus+pe cresenz.i voting nyc TrosU-�e Zak voLion ove Mayor xauce"ezz ,ntiou ovs Mayor xaucenezI - the ooara was apparently Loe last to tnow that a husi^ess (Jill exist in those p,(--miser; in viu. a`io^. o lot of the neiuIhbors anpareoftzy knew, 1--herefore z would out . zite Lo encourage anyo^e to go txe s[m'`ar 'aLh/ 1. have no . questivo that it was aooe ioaaverkenU ,, but shouza there be other businesses that exist in violation of the zoninn` , Ilev "Lzl je forced *o vacate as suvn as we are made aware of It. At the ^e:t meeting z would asic ott^rnev Kromer Lu give us so*eUlno dealing with a moratorkum on uneciuz use permits on aowma" Avenue, ooutJi Ridge Street a.d streets Uhat intersect oout.h Ridge. Mavnr xaucenezz read /ePQrs uaLeu May aU» and zaro from County sxecutive o'nourke, tnyeLher with Legislation pass,u by the County ooaru, /n connection w� ffi L»e drought situaUonn He added that aztxuuqh "» uv not draw all of nu/ water from Westchester Joint waLerwo'ks, we are still suIAec+ to this ordinance, which restricts lawn waterlog to four hours every "Wer uav' 'Tat re^Uicts wasIhinn of cars by hoses, etc. is applicable to us. U wi /z he en+orceubz'! by local police aepartmeots with ;ine,F� n+ up to For- u`e Nrs+ offense and up to *1000 for suosenue.c ��oza��nns Mr. O'Rourke is serious about it. ` * ~ Ill Ls is a petitiun in c"noectiu^ viti our approval of a 000UiA!� � suluivcio^ on Lincoln Avenue, and the petition re/ates �o °~" ^"- our requireme"L of the use of a com*on driveway, ^nu we ui./ it an the basis that Mr. oiu++re, athorney for Mrs- oelovp Provided us wj +h i^+urm^tion Lhalt this easement does exist. with the property. rh/y is a cummuo/caL joo oo wa ica z ^oil '1: know i+ +I iere is any aclA^n nn the pjjrL of txe Boar unless there is a legal. challenge to 11ha` easemeo�, which / imao["e is a civil maLLer and red: o"e thal co*es be+ore tx'? ooara. our approva1 Of ihe suuuIvision was aepe"aen` upoo +xe ose OF the easement for access, rut obviously does not give the rinhl: - that is snmet»i^o heLween L.1-je two pari,jes to resolve. This; was previousIv upproveu. Mayor x*uce"el\ - Teamsters Local =6 represents the oe»ar+me^t of puuzir Works. ]In ljrie+ , the previous crotra.�� is ue/nn renewed for two years, L»e onz7 changes are effective January J., Ip05, which is woen the last cnNtraci 1:erill inateIll� Al ewpIorees sxaIz receive an annual wane increase Of tl'300, and ef+ecUlve January 1, uxl e*^loyees shall receive an ao"uaz wupe increase of $/-350. . T^e is tke same increase for all employees - i t Ls uetween 5 and o.uoz. we were at an impasse mod this was uone throv,/, the use OF the psna representative. On the motion Of: Tr"stee meisl4i^, seconded by Trustee Zak, wxsocoa the Village and Local �'.56 have enoaueg in neenU.ad:iuos in yoou faith, and Wxsxsos the parties have arrived at- a ,enLat-ive uureewe"t , and u*rncoo + )e me(IIl)ers1lip of Local ,oa has ral:/+qea the aereement' NOW Tosnsronc BE IT *syoLvso that t»e vilzuye onaru of Trustees rati+ies the aoreement providing +ur: � 1.) o two year cnn+ract commenciou oa^uary .1 , 19a15 aou terminating December nz , 1906� /z> Effective January 1, ipo�--j, a/z employees shall receive an annual wage increuSe .+ :1:/,300 a"a e+fecA-ivc January 1, 11706 all em�)u'ees s»az/ recei,e an annual wage increase of :151,350� * ~ AND, os zT Funrxcn xsonILvsu that the Mayor be ^uthorizea u, A80d��A enter Lnito a contract w�Hh Locaz +56, incorporati^o the auo`e cnil+rac+ Changes. rrusltee weisl6.^ voting ovs Trus�ee wu'ui votinu AYE Truylee creseozj. voting oYs rr,stee Zak voting ovr Mayor xaucenell ,oting oYs Or, Elle moLio^ of TruSLee w�rai , secu^aeu by Trustee za1,, BE zT nsnnLvso that Juez Hecker-, uo countr' niaoe Dir i,e, n.e orovlk, be appointed to », Zomzme ouoxo OF Appsm'e, i.c) +i I I txe unexpired term of naz cresenzi , ex,irl"u at the eoa /f the official year in 19e7/ and RE zT Fonrxsn nsooLvso that. sunene aLrum, Wo Belts,, air ow. noau' xre aruo[�, he appointed to the zowzwo 000no op m"psALs, said Uerm to expire at the end of the u+ficia` ,evr in 1990, and DE zr runrxsn ncooLvco thutprao� oinicuza, ox va�)ev V/ Terrace, Rye oron:, lie r,appui"Leu 1.0 a three (a) rear 1:e1-11i on the Traffic oummissino, saiu Lorin to expire aL the ena "f the official year in 198e` and � oc zr punTosn nsaoLvso Hlat pcTcx anAwwuuc/, c*o Treetop CrescenL, Rye nronk, be anpui^teu to a three (aI vear term on the Traffic cnmmi--sion, saiu +erm t.0 expire at t.1je ena "f the Official year in J.pee, and DE IT runT*sn nseoLvso Lhat Marcia n.quzz , 11 Bayberry nye er"ok, lbe appoinLed to u th,ee C':/ year term nn the Recreation oommisMo^, saiu Ler° to expire at Lhe s^a o+ u`e o++icial year in 19e0, a"a DE IT runTxsx nsnuLvco T*xr Leo" w11-rano, *iux,iew *veoue, Rye nru"lk, be to a tlhree o> vear terw on the necreaaon c0mmi551un, said term to expire al: the e^a of o`c ,+ficia\ rear in 19e0. rr,!rsUee xpisPi" ,uti^n AYE Trustee Nardi. voting *rc Trusltee creseozi voting AYE rerunie~ zak: voting ors Mayor xabceoell voting ovs On Lxe *ol:ion o, Trustee meiy1�/11, secunuea by TrusLre cresen,i , ° - 0S0�� �wxsnc»o vilzaye parcers 1-511-6worse �/_� _�p nu I_ax_z5z worse iocorrec�\v asseuueci on tile oorj/ 1, [ra^ osses'sment no\z , and ' w*sxsoa the. 4sses5ur, Tow" of Rye, lia-i +nrma1,/' reques�eu a "correclion of Errors" nesulul-ion, NOW Txsnsruns ec IT xsooLvso that txe Laxes outstanajoo on each parcel be cancelled.. 1 1 M Ell; 1-311-69 ff,coo *zoo. 17 I-6n-2o1 10,700 *ora�+v Truutee wrisl�i, voting ovs Trustee warai voting AYE Trustee xresenzi voting ays Trustee marai ,oltinn ovs Mayor xaIbceneLz voting ovs CODE-111- E-rimcs Mayor xabceoell - we had circulated a draft and have had several discussions, and several cha"nes were reouesteu, a/`a , we now have a Final draft. T»e p"rpose of 11t, its Lo esftabzish all *p,ropriaLe ethicaI , moral and zeoaz background for those who are o+ficAals or employees of the vjljape� It tell What YOU cao or canoult au, but in essence jt saym that you cannot Lake aa,a"ta,e ,+ ruur nos��i,n in t�e village, ezeclzpa, appointed or sa�ar�eo. Lo +urther yourself Financially rr /n any way. There is a provision For establishing an sthjcs ooaro for an/ areas that are n,ar, to aeaz with any r+ +1heSe �ssues on the motion of Trustee weisvAn, seconaeu by Trustee war^/ , nsaoLvsu that Local Law dt Io/on cn^e of Ethics +or u`e v/zzaoe of nye Brook, conv of which is on file in 1:1he Vi I Iuee office, be and hereby [s auoptea Trustee meisk/n voting ovc Trustee Nardi voting aYs Trustee nr,senzi ,oltinu ovs Truc;I ee zal, "uti^n AYE Mayor xabcenez/ ,olti.nn ovs glSCJSS I ON ` Mayor :�aocene\z - we |/ave ,eceiveu a copy of a lec+"r�- auaresseu to the nye Town ouper,isor uateri Illy 10th 1voK! renorlt.i^y on a trip to ou++azo mill Olean with the. vilzaoe 0OO�A9 wana9er »f p»/� n�esLer� «* �as »een 'e«Ie°�n» a co*»u/e' ~ `~ ^°~^ syslem that would now cover alL of llbe +i^^ocia/ *arhi^^l"Jv.s of the Tow" and the 1-wo vlzzaqes wil--x`" Hill Town. 11. is li is suygestio^ I »uI I»e rown muve forwaru zn ' e,aIuaL/no an(:] securinn txi 15 anu i.hereov the Tuwo wou)u u* respoosju1e +or prv,/aino toe comF.)ut.EF- ef+ort for the 7uwn i. Lyel.+ ala for It 1-1e vLz.1aoes, a"a z L I 1in1: the cosit o+ I i st °i, [z be *poo`oov ,,e/ three veajl TI Ie number aIone qa,e us ( vncern, I Iu� 1;11ere ure inuicaL/ons io here that hear nuLiny. one is "we ba,e seen L.F,e receot oreenL)uruo cour t der ision abo\uIt equazization rates anu It bp atte(Tin+ by cquazjzaL�on anu *ssessment t.,c) make eqoa/�za,iu" more "curren�' , LhaL our jojnt fears of a I',ye arop in the row" of Rye and »utx vilzaoes' equaJ izaLio,i ra[e wLtx/o 11,4u vpa, s is ooL o^Iy posil uut probao1e due to the aCtual uif+erence io what homes are Sol zinn For ,ow, versos °haL they °ere assessed for in 11767. " Mayor Kaucenelz romme^tea that this °ouzu be trxe fo, virLuuz/r ever' community. Tnen we oelL a ioreat that Hh, arnp in eqoaz/zatio^ rate °i \z ua,srse�y affect not. only the Town but unto Villages to the exitent, Lhat the rate coot,uz,, I I atate oia to ocl loo/ oisLr[cts u. State Aid to the Town � Apportionment of cvvnLy Taxes to Towns rind vil^ao,s "Faced with this ujea[� fuLure, I chio, you were correcIt .(a"on' 1: forget. this is a letter to Ulu , and uuulatioil I miyht aau) w#Ie" yo" suqgesteu to me in /a.uary ipoo that we had +o Uhe assessmenL roll and recorus� and chanoe the /p7,* maps Lo the zpoo's information as it ex/sLs, (wbj.c: we are uolnn mayor uabcenezz auaeo> as weaz as prepare Lu proAect the +^xpa'e, fr^m a rapidly fazzioo equalizatioo ralte by adjusting tu all actual realistic percpnitaoe of ,t:11"e In L»r near fuLure, ra+^er Ulan what we have now. vuur auminis+ratiun JIas every effort. to do that over the post six,ee" months and con+�^,es Ito ou so, Fulfilling its role as a faci.zitat"r uf services and inIzeoratea programs +or IJIe vj./1anes. " waror uabcenelz - it seems to mp as I worI' mv way t»ruyeh this LxaL the Assessor is syooes1Linp a reacsesswent of L11e propel Ly in Lite Town. Trus! ep neiski. - ,"o+es from the "wito"ut the com,leite syste*, we face a fast LICICtill i^ the +ax uase 11,1' the nett It four years aue to rate'is coot/ouea drop. " Does this mea" t.xaL aI, i.he vizzaycs avo Lowns in New York stal e +^�e the same uecl/ne over Lhe nexI four yearsr ue uoes un to sa' "Lxis i-01:0//v cnm,,Leri/eo s/steIT) wi/z enuuze my o+fIce i:is poase 1.^ more equi t.aule assessme"Lis. " Is nr. white anu +he Tvv^ yovernmeot pronosiIII. a reassessment OF al/ vroperties in the ruw" of � � * | / nrer Ie :I s azsu pruposing u vjsi. L Io Lhe o"e nzace Ln +»e 08049J countr/ - a tow w1 th vi.zlaues - thaI az) poaseS o+ /I I Is system, z bol ie,e :1t j.!i crippze ur~el,, cuzal-Ido. There are some serIous nuestiuns aou to this and z wou/a zlke to i",i'`e Mr-. white to our ^ext meeting Lo xezo vun understand proposa/o a^u aaaress our cnncerns� z a* Mso ueLermininn if Lxe lnteresLs of nv* erook and the cost tn nve aroo� �axnayers m1ol-It he beItLer melL and served uv a nve orou[� parq 111 file assessnr un a contractual basis. *ow wan, par-cels has wr W»Ite visited in Rye arnokr How wanv nye orook 110171es or busi"essey have oee^ea the services u+ a lax assesso,r I U-11111: 'I would like a reporL on that s(--mi ,:[ce w[,Lcx *e are paying +ur - what are we oetti^nr T wr� whi fe and the Town government proposing a reassessment of al prupertieva " t»e Tuw^ of nye - is tx~� "hat xe is saying in his IeUerr Mayor- calicenezz - z am ^ little uncomfortable with Mr white's derision auuuL a ver/ sensitiv~ issue, z an a I itL 1.e xncom+orl�able auuuj: �poo,000 7 1, u151.ee *eiskin - i^ txe ,reviu,s mappi"o jr (:)j 1:her e ^as Supposed to he a nranL writIfe" to hri.n mnoey hacl< Ln us, / think +aoo,000 - ` mavur Kauceoe/z - z toln[:: one txi,o, n^wever the otate ^ev­r `heard of ic� z don 't L»in[: a zei,Ler was e.en wrl t+e" re,uestino /t, Trus+ee maraI - / have a prob] em w 1 » HhLs entire IeUer It seemo to he sez+-servinn anu a preIuue to the upcomLno poll Licaz rampajyn. There are puini1s auuresseu :Ip hrre thaL are tuLaz/r ovt�j.ue of the rea/m Of I he rax osressor� xe says aL the end of We IeUer "your, e++nrts to resolve the a\ack Cemetery, Town of Rye, pasli years' aeu1z co"snzivati^n and Housing proorams are also issues thaL ueser,e high / u.^' L see where this is reLe,aot /^ a letter from the o`sessor to LI-le Supervisor explaining the "ew computel­izeu La: mapp! no s'etem, Mayor xaucenezz - i, is �n�e,er�/no, we nave josL maae an effort Lo computerize our own boolvecpiny system anu z it cost ,+ *1,5,000 - now we arp told we can got Lxe same thing for one half of *voo,voo - �oesn � sou^u zi�p a ^al-gEli n rr"stee zaI, - zs III-. wnisk in suou,sL i^" LI Ia+ we hi,e our ",^ Assessor- and ^"r owv �axe�r Trustee weisxi" - z am sunnestj.nq +hsl: we oet a repurj: +r"'^ the Assessor for the pasL yoar so tjjal_ we can see wvat we are paying for , or is t»ere a uetL~r and cheaper wuv of � * ~ 000494 doing I t for Rye orouI: resiae»ts� what has he (Ione, »ow maor parcels has he 1sses`eu or reassessea, where did this proposaz cume +rom, is he yunnF,sti Jig reassessemeot - aou then we can walte svme decisions, do we n,eu a +uz/ Lime, 'Part I-ime, or contractual assessor for Rye aruuxr we lad a con+rarItual assessor ,o, eenera, ruojs, unu xi^n olf'eelz Proper Lies. Mayor Kuucene1i - ,,NJaps we can AnALe xr, M"te Imre to a sase9uent meeting and maybe he can �ezp clari+' this. Trustee cresenzi - as a member of Le F1.re eLuay cvmm/Ltee, z "ou" " ke to :noW thestat"s, stnce the, present cvntracl. caLzs for "egoltialtions to begin nne 'ear prior to expir^Lirill. navor uahcpne1z - t he cummitLee uia recoIII me"d L I IuJ, we see: a \uno term con[tract or that we seek to c»anqe Lhe whntp nature of it. / have been in commun"caHon with porL Chester on this, z melt with thew s�arLioo L[bree morthm aoo, but z Ja,e nothing to repo/t, z 11ave tieen uoauze Lo move any further +nrwara on Lhe oeno��a��"nsz+ we cannnt, then this ooara -jam Lo ma[�e snme aec�s�ons Trust,ee warui - z yaw Mayor 11AS111.0 yesferuav a^u he `inuj.caI:ed +xuL lie was weetioo wj H» I is Deal,(d +o aiscuss 1:»e issue su~e t ime txis week, ana W^u/u he in to"c, wi III vnu, hyPin« Lo meet With YOU oexL "eex. Joe pe/lino - in connertiun with wa1zer rest,ictiuns anu t�p urnun�� situtation, it is the resiae^�,' respo"i-7iuizity �o detecIt zeaxs� The waFer Company got a rate increase +o cover leal: aetec+iun, perlhaps we sWuuzu w& te a 1e&er - f^rce them `^ improve their aeltectinn - bring ,resmure to bear. Mayor uabcpoeIz - the proposal to seL up a separate water aisWcf, seems to be a Pro forma 1-11inu woicx would have azzowea us to draw auwo more watIer from wesLcoester Jnint wuter works, has not taken place [^ o,er a year, anu now they are in process Of denying i L, For no reasoo toalt °e can come up with, an oor legislators are ~orx:,oq on that. GNP Mayor xauccnezl - the cnunitv is no /o^per vermil--tinn the signs on the /or^er, since they own that nruvertr, I have asked the Architecture] eoara Of neview to review t1re ,I-10/e * ~ questjoo o+ a cenc � . ntra� �ae to ave aa^nouocement boaru0 , O0<�@" a^o xow to cuvol i�[t,, ` `" ^"~" We are trying to work. out a program "lhic» wi/z ue wor�a��e in term� of how and when �v cnlzecL , and a p/ucp tu dn /t— wee��nn was aajuurneu a I/ 1.s pm *