HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-04-08 - Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 000574
I'll hll ll.;l-° 111 lFll: IICL TINt§, FiCI la h4'_[ f1 13 .190E 11f ,fl,-F tl Fal '11114;
V21 LAGh UI 11 F':;, 7n ',1111111 h121t1,1?;_c�I IJ 1_1'_x1>JI L-rl aC)OL
COVER lyl[?_
1111, HIIII(,I L III,_LF2I1...I YI , I:-IB 11 lib,f]Ii IIVI I]hl_F°C I)I FrAI ...RC VI INI If__
14L ANn :fl 11 Ahlhll lFll Iwl C1QUFli+IJ'rllllClhl. NEI2IIJIr3.
I kl: :NI i: "ayur Kcabji:ran c.l I. , '7r-uostr r.,� Nae cIt , Lr'ear.t.n..:i. , ZaV+
`IT u.=.a'Lf=e Mei Iski r'i fnr (Fitt:er. F.Par't of lit:i.nil
(Al ui ne v ICF-zanier 'Ir-ea urc,r. C'U tr ,r�, C'Lei' L Sad 111.
LIUi71 i1;"=-T„111E A1'k-71,1,{)._.
Marynr' ahCiello-:.,l. I. Ne'l Crnn CI the: raven L:hough we al, (r? nr,i.
cnrnpleliBly nuweCl in. I thae iir .i Fu', wer6s !ate will ha:Ld
art ulmn lieu=." fnr- the r e. i dc,nts. There. ;v-r:z 2wu C❑ (fere, of
btaisi.I'1Eo.:;_..; -
ClUD('..F.;T 1-[i;Qh_I,-1Vfi
Ih .s IT)un1.. br- 1-1e1d 1)enr(ir r� AIT r-i.l A St.:h, final Budge.t capl:n.nva:l
VA..11 iia kcz, liletc:c en Ali), :i.I 291i.1-; ...- at. Lhe regular mor(( :.:ing fnr-.
Arir-:i,I , Which writ be deferr-ed from lehe:r 22-u:1, bec :uu,r+ nf thae:a
r;rllr!el hra:l i days.
This is a tuml.ative bLt1J9Im'1- whi.C::h wars fi.:Led by t:hra Cla:i.c:rf
I":Lscaa 0 F f i.r:er-, Lhe Ma.yur, by hlzn^c:h 20th. It in a bare=
bnI-;e=.. b u dg c=t, Ih. E:;n;;u,d vii 1.1 rrCw rl i.-;ci. ;s LI-;e vtr icons :i.tcmn=s
and ei1--her earl.:IcjJ: r;l, ra:l i.n;i.n cat e.
Mayor- P::cibcvnelI wrmt through the rrnpuced buclgr:=L, :I ine by
.1:i.Fier er,l:alairii.ng ,and ciummerat:Iraq„
Cl.ff i.r--e ref 1:I;e Player -- Lipeci a:I. Aeosi.st.ant to the Mayer - t:here=
les an iri(ir c assn in osaJ ar..y fur Ocvcw-ge Mori uw of 1:3,000 and I:
.lenld Irl:e tc? say rm'.ter{ur r.�tLly Uhai-, thes is har elly iu ;I:.
r'e=ca:nnpen er.� f(:,;r wliat has happened for Mr•. 1.1a-r"nw i.n 'L 1)e 1:;a!.i t.
yr:alr '.ri rice= the n;.tiaer-i ntenclera l-. ci Pli:1c Wer-ks has Ie�FL,
Mr I`traruv, has I j e r.n Gut1:ar; r.I'L en d ern la of Public: Wer l:=.; and
.i.ru.:ra th r:- la r.r:l lclrng hate= Lrn aai:' tr ted arid r.vezr-e br;)fc!r-e
i on.a tr,i;r I ucn vatarterl, he ti t¢; been the unginecer., the
;Ir xf l:ssman, I:1,, r Ir:r-k ref the wc:u...h.a etc:. I Cara r-;r)t e st:i.or is c,
l lagal:: lar. r 1r,ra t t I p cel FoI,L rar;d it a', r a1.1y a L(ti:>t.i,To)u,r;i.a 1. to
hi S,4 o-nif-ful, It tlaal. wu ar-e ,Cn hure at cA11. , .1 Gannet. mo5tifilaltc, t1-ie
tern of thnus.zlnds ci dnl.lar'¢; whrir.:h we heave soiw'd by I'll,
I'lor-r'nw w &ari.nq I he. •ta l:.hi e hav!3. TI-;e - tel that. hr P�;ts:•
frair;l:a:incd a c:ongen.i..a 1. t1hl. LUCIP i.nc'r-ndi.bl.e, This :is earl
i sF.cicz, nor c l ake=d to t:he btAdliPt. L ut. I. wrn.�l cl tier rcanu ;=.a ;in not
s ayi.ng iIt
F.,2 er i .. Tr;t ter= rl- cli. Tugg(-. ted t 1.. . t. the Vi I I age Clerk: be
i l)C:lc¢Ied xr; i:.hre Iertdget, even thus gh at. retro >a1ar..y.,
'Shaved Iri II_tr-rl i. uggrv. :;t:red that: the De-=puty
Cler.k: bF.i L1 ter rl 3:; Ir-;1:ernv dt :ttu:e Stene/Depisty V:i.11raqu Clerk.
000577 opec�az z�ems _
�u est�ma�eua�zcateu � ura»ce _ lf»L0
we uwe 15o,000 oHlis Year-.po� 1-ho
uuageL calls +or o/� 000� ` z
^umuer we xave +or
this Year-, ana +he likez|»uou °e wqz] oe�m 1way with
t I iaL f -oure fur nex+ /ear :i v F emo�e. we are for�unaLe L hat
our carrier w:izLo coo+jnus our co,eragewa^v
comwun�ties are unauze to g*L coreraoe.
ce - r»r cxief ^as recommenaeu a" auunaz F)F.1 1.rozman,
- is js nu+ ncIuaeIII I juaoeL xe C., IS L. �s
1 0cess011 r »erause C)IF ocreaseu v*cat1,00 uays :1." L h e rum:Lnq
rear anu +uz.1owl rig years, based on L.he prese^I. cor racLuaz
arranoemrn\, +o ouve L.he same cu,erage had: we |`a,e n.tm Lo
mainI adn L:e ze,ez o+ service, and possi bzr have increas. eu
raaar paLr^zs�
Txere :is sV.a1:e monev s,aizauze t.o fuur cummu^i is -
xarri vin n, pvrh che�3 ier, nye a^u nve aruok, fo/
commux:1catiuos equipmenL u^o I:I Ie +j.rsL oLaLe mooies w I he
cominn t n,e orDo1: ` s/oce we are muvinu into the ^ew
+aciJiLy, a^a ^txer +hree -ave aoreea to
ue+er Hheirs^
r/re pro1:ectiun - i.1 i.; Is an J,ocrease ,+ 6.1% IAT uer Lxe
presen+ cuotrac:L reaera1. ne,erue m`ar:[no Funus, wI ic1-0 we
naLe, but wl 1 » ma' nu� muteriaz:1se, must. ue
azIura+ea, 111c we I)ave alIocaI-eu t»em Lo h appzieu to fire
eaIspecL.:Ion - T»e ossIsta^c o"i1uin9 zosyector j.� al sq
cI Ie Fxre Ioypectm', a^a j 1-1a1+way �.h,uush +he +raixino
omuuzanc* aer,ice - Th is :1!-i a cnnsiaeraease uecaus�
o+ a chanoe of »ours of Abbey nicxwonu, aou t»e vozu*t(�ner
omhuza^ce aer,/ce nrov�ainu oa,uriceu aervice
We now have 211 hour- co,eraoe tooeI:her wi Lh UIE�, ne�g��ur�nu
cummuo:i L 1es anu t^e cosLs are propor+j.00aLe�
utreeL m VHqIIwar na�n�enance - we ha,e �oC/uueu a
nuverI,ntepoen+ of puh 1:1c wor�s even though Llhe pos:i+ivn is
,acaoI , I.t ma/ become oecessa,v cu +Lzz t»e pusi 17:iuo.
parks u mecrea+i.n - +here :is a a ae^1or ci+:Izeo pruuram
whic^ we uIu oot. I I a v e two vearci ago, - �� �s very successfuz
a"a has more Hia^ 1ov memuerr�.
xalrrir� Balte, - we are'spenaing u zoL of moner but. z don't
U I,n: we are ge+ Ig as *ucx as we couzu.
wavor xace^eLz - L t IaL js su(it e[-.x:Lnu Lo *iscuss *:itL.
necreaion coIT)m�ssdun
L 1111' arr - �oere is ao i^crease o+ *1.a,Soo. Txere *as u
preseoLatioo by Lhe L/hrary ooaru at toe zast mwle�ino ni�vion
their reasons +or L Ie increase, mosL u Cl is wi�o
�umnu�er�s*��un o+ tlheir serv�cos�
Trustee warui - »as porL coesber a�cept.ea Lite fiyure
azzocaAeu Lo LFIem hr Ubrvrvr U not, we wuuIu 13e
Par:lnu a aispronorI.Lona+e I.S:are.
smplovee-t aenefi LIs - we have ueeo hi L hard here with ou
co] Lro/ .
ss+i*a�eu neve^ue� - w� llave ao for cat)/, Tv r,anc»�se
which is heLoo paid to nye lown, azthuuon t I Ie vice co,ers
only Rye Brook. we have re(IuI-nsLea that �»is J)e pa:iu to us
finc�ibeau of being put into Hit,, ru^u, tlut so fair we
have not cozlec+eu an/Llhinn�
Totaz apprvpr�aLiooIs are estima+ea aL *4,293,62a
other Mian neul ss+a�e Taxes a ,135
nccu~ it, za Leu surpz"s 5/3//66 *oo'000 l,o15,.1no
To be raised hy Tax 1.ev' *3127011173
Te"LaLi,e ^ssesseu va ,aL:�on *a5,010,266
Te.�atj ,e Tax nate *Sv.+c
we have ueeo serveu IN.[(.It severaz suhs1�an+Jaz ur�eva^�es
which we have ue"ieu, a^u Le yr.1everIII w1z1 most 1.:L I I
pursue ffiese - we mar xave a reduced C15I�esseu ,aluaLL"".
rlh/s wnzz )OL pertain to +his year 's tax ra�e, L�ut [ jo may
s�r�oxs�v encum�er I L L^ +oe +uLure. we have revuesUn'a
aau���nnunforma�:kon +rom +1he assessur and oEher exper�s
cow,zainan+s ,Its"azzr w:En yomeL 1-1i1 1o, I+ :L* ueL Lo co"rL.
snu of ooaqeJ: xIt?arj.no `
. .
Mayor is cur int.entjon +o apply Federal
nevenue ahariny ru"us hu Fire., protertkon oerv�ces
of puhzic xearioo,
wayor xaucensz1, , Tr"sl:ee weJ.s�.10 and rrusdzee Nardi crox Hl*
oato of:
On the motion of Trustee zak, seco"uecl by TrusLee crese^zi ,
nsao�vso thaL Mayor aack �- xahcenezz be, and he oere )v is
uec:1.areu ezectea Lo t»e CH:+ice o wayor u+ Lhe viI.zuue of
Rye aruuk for, a Ler m of Lwo years, such Lerm L)eniooino at Lz
o,cIuck n000, u" *vriz -7 1906
Trvstee wejskin voLing «vs
rrus+ee III aruj vo�ioo »Ys
. Trustee crese"zi v^tAnu ovc
Trustee z411, v111-ino «Ys
Mayor xa11ccenez.1 onaTozmzwe
On Uhe (no I.Jon o+ rrusLee zak, sec000eu 1)/ TrusLee Cr-esenzA ,
nsam'vso H-faL. Tr w-! z1:v^ me11-ikio be aou Ile :Ls
ueczareu slec+ea to toe Office, n+ Trustee of the vizlane o
Rye aruok +or a Lerm of Lwu re^rs, It term ueyinnIno ac
I czCIC k ^onn uo Apr-:1 1. `/ 1906
TrusLee Nardi vvLino ovs
Trus1 e uresenz� vu+ino *vs
rrusLeo zak ,oL:1nq AYs
mayor xauce"ez � ,uI�i^u AYE.
TrusIee weiii;|'J.n oaorazmIwo
on the muLion of zax, secu"aeu by Trustee ureseIm.� ,
nsaoLvso Hhak rrustee Mario Nardi. lie anu he »ereuy is
aeczsred ezocted +r Hxe of Trustee of v/ Lzane of
pyo-., aruuk +or a Lerm of twu years, such Lerm beoinoino at 12
u'cloc11. noon on Apri I `/ J.Ya^
7rus�ee wejsldo voLiog ovs
/rus�ee nresenzi ,oLioy AYE
rr"sUee Zak ,oLing Wvs
Mayor KaucenezI ,olAon oYs
Truy�ee warub maaToIwzwO
Mayor ualoceoe1z anpoi nUed Iusoaz oresenzi cn be oepuj.r
navvr for the ensuiou o++iutaz r�ar
On of Tr,sLee zak, seco,aeu u/ Trusuee crese^z� ,
nssoLvsu Lxat Jane aa++jr omiHx be anPuinlzea village czer�
,u1, the vizzaoe of nve nrock For t»e "exL ensuing official
TrusUee weiskin voLino ovs
rrostee Nardi voLino Avc
TrusL.ee cresenz/ ,o+inn AYE
Tr za� V,Ulno nvs
wayol, nalbcenel.z voting ovs
oo L^e muI-Ao^ of TruM.ee Nal,di seconueo 11v neiski^,
nMoLvsu t hat ecioroia xramer be appuioLeu vizza:e oL Lorney
for t-lIe vizzage OF nye arouk for Lxe next ensu:Lng o+fJcial
year at a tiazary cr be upon the auopLio^ of I »e
ouuqet. for L»e vizzuoe of Rye or"ok.,
TrusL.ee lllpAsl Ln vo+i.00 wvs
rrusLee Mardi voLion ME
Trus�ee cresenzi v n F Ion ovs
Tr,sLee zaJ' "o�ino ovs
waynr xauc�"ezz vo+Ano ovs
Or) tihe muuinn (if Trustee cresenzi. , sercnueu by Trustee zak,
nsonLvso L Ia+ xuseph corLese be appo1^�eo vIl1agL-� Treaserer
for �he v�1.zaoe o+ xye arook +or txe nex�. en~u/no ef+i.ial
year, a a sa1ary Lu be ueLerIII ioea u,00 the aaoptioo of I »e
ouaoeq: for the vj Izaoe of nre erook.
Trwejski n vot-i^o ovs
rrui0_ee waru[ mys
Trustee c,espnzi ,oting Avs
rruM.ee zal: ,uLinq AYE-
Mayor xabce^el I ,o+inu *vc
On Hhe moLion o+ T��"\�`+ee Nardi se�onueu �y Trustee z �
/\ -\_^ , a ,
nsaoLvco H'iat Mary Jane oanice he appo:I^tel Deputy viz\aoe
Clerk for Lhe vizzaoe ol: nye Brook ,or ti-1e nex� ensu�no
u++iciaz year
r,uytee ne:[s:i^ ,v�:i^o *,s
rrus�ee warui vo[,i^o ovs
Trusbee ays
Trustee zakvI.Aiou ovs
ma'or �vtAnn xvs
on H Ie moL iun of Trus1:es Cir esenzi , seconuea by Trustee zaj�,
oc"'BOLvso L»a' L.I Ie oaizy z�em anu the westmore wews are
uesignuUea as txc., Q+f:icI newspapers o+ Hie vizzane u+ xye
aroo1' fnr the ca,nsvinu ciaz vpar, aoa
B1 I runTosn xsnm-vso Lha %.0.� :L n`
cltires s»al� be nub/1.sxeu
in the Deli zv zcew, anu i+, io t»e ujscret:Lu" of t�Ie Y 1.14Aqe
cIerk, L Imezr pu13 cauo" ca" alsu ue *aue in �^e wesV.more
News <a week[' ne"spaper/ ,^eo Ex* ole,lk shazz azsu publish
in LhaL. oewspape,
TrusLee weisi: n vut:ino xvs
Trus1.ee warai ,oL ino ovs
TrvsLevuLino WE
rrustee wara:� ,oJ�.[^g (.)vs
Mayor I vol-ion ovs
On the wo+iu^ u+ TrusNal,CIA seconueu by Trustee meiski n,
nseoA.vso that �»e fourLhwi»` Tuesday o+ each aou �very
wuotx be ueezionateu as the reou:lar meeon of 1-1-1e aoaru of
TruM.ees, sucI I mee+1ngs +o cu~mence at e v�m
Tru---Ave wejs[�jo voting ovs
Trus�ee m�/a� ,oL,Lnq 4vs
TrusLee cresenz� ,oci"e *ys
Trust.ee zak ,oHoy ovs
wav^r vabceoez.1 ,otinsrA,c
nn �1he woLion of Tr 7a1'., seconueu by Trusoreseo�v j ,
psouLvso 1,[1a1". Ihe aaok ef mew Yurx (Count., Trust neoirwn) ,
aarczays aanl% of Nem York, ereater Now vork oavirig s aanI�,
maunaz L.chester anu vizzaye aav1nns aa^1: »e a^u
�hev are hereuv aesiooatea as uepusj. urnr vLzzao,
of: nre Drool, +ur J�l je ensujng Df:fj.c: a 'ear
Truid ec, weit-ikin ,utine ors
Tr"-,Lee waral voLi^o xvs
Trus+eo nrese"zi. vutioy xvs
Truytee za� voti"o ays
Mayor- xabcenezl vuLinn ovs
C311 the mrtiuo o+ Truy+e.a r'A, secooaeu by rrusLee marui ,
n�om-vsU that the mavvr, oenu�v Mayor and rreas,rer be
avt»urizeu to sioo checky on uehaz; (if: the vil/age�
Trustee msis:in V01-111n «vs
rrusLee marui ,c�l�jnn ovs
rrustee cresenz:i vutino ovs
Trustee Zak voting AYE:
Mayor uabcenezz vntinq oYs
on Lhe moticn u+ TruStee zax, secooaCu by rrusllee warai ,
RE anLvco LhaL oamm"s Jackson he app-\i. teu necei,er of Taxes
+or L�e vizzaoe o+ nye oroox for t»e `�suino u+f:ic:i.az vear-
Tr"�;Lee we:[s1,j,11 ,uUno ovs
Ir w,Lee waru:� ,oj:fvs ovs
TrusI ee crel�enzivotmg xvs
rrus�ee za[� ,utinq ovs
mayor xabcenezz ,otinn *ve
oo Lime woLion o+ Trustee zux, secuoueu by Trustee cresenzI ,
nsooLvso that. xe"netx w:iL.c� ]Ie ap'uinLea ossessor fur ��e
vizIane of n'e aruob IF or 1:11e ensuing of+:iciall year
TrucLee III eis1:in ,v1.:1^e oYs
rrusIee marui ,oL:I^y *vc
rruee crese^�i voHlioq ovs
Trustee Zak ,(Aino *vs
Mayor xalceoezz voting oYs
On Um, mstion o+ T,us+ee marufi , secrodeu by Tr,sLee zak,
xEom-vso Hiat t�e Regular meeUno u+ the Village uo'ara by
held on *v/Lz cpt1ns1:eau o/ Apr:1z 221)d 19n6
TrusLee III eisI�:1n vot:Eno 1)Ys
Trus�ee `11a1' (:[:I ,u�.inn o/s
' TrusLee creseozi votioo Ovs
Tru�fl.ee zalc voUns nvs
wayor ua�ce^ezI vo[-jnn �..)vs
IDA E ING' OF APIRII 21? -11 1986.
/ auuoe+ weeL.ing, oeLerminat:ioo of Tax nate and sm
for cu] /ecL ion.
ontatxs yevnrt no oau1e Tv
Te meeUfly was aujuurnea u1: C).30 pm