HomeMy WebLinkAbout1986-03-25 - Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes 00057_fl
rulil ri r rn I,Lir. r,Ih nnr; I1L1 I,[IVG. fll flil' ._VII nl c..I7unf,I) fIILI)-.I 11J
IIARI I-I 0J 1.913 A 13F li Al ;[fill VJII (jf.!l IrlI ILI:;-., llJ °,nLllhl
RIME, � hl I,T-,,,..RYE r�I CLIP;?I
k FFF.lEN I': Mayor P -tLren=l.:Lr l..r!t ,l..eers INe i,::ki.nIvin.r.d:i ,
Crr=ec:rr'rz;i. , le.;k, AL1:.or'nev I:r-arrrtl=r"., fie=�as!..0^!-•r.
Cur'ze:se:, l].I.earl< Sol IL 1;1-1.
1111 11u l:.+ aac=r-e a .r. oj:, ;=d a s p reser!L crl of 1:. r ! !n•'r-ca c t.:I Irn of ta-ua
N mcal.!!I irrn resy ,r di.119 M01-1clnrerit I,u Local I.a!w 7-F3r1 Lu sta I
rh,..! di s f a-r c:e of Lhe:, "No PFA i,k riy Ilc*re 11 j:) 1 !rrr-rr e:r , nign on
G'ari.I:r rt l cl i. R1.a c n v-rd W(.,s I. ,.rl r e1: as adop L eni, and LI-u:: G.eI,I::
v.a.rs r-c,q u Iz,sted Lo 1-;c:er-L 1n LIia 1-11 aC:aw in f11.ed Ll10 way
uwa!vs aca ol:a'Ir.erL,
-1-D if .I I, [ _; l IL I l.,(;14 ItF V,J LI:W.
Mayor al.rt c�nea. l t.hr:i s r a.n ami oclmcarr l_. Lm provide site to p 1.-air
r c:viera
and apl:n oval :,1: 1- 1 3-- and S family cl!•ae:L:Linra bui.l!::I:ind
hrtr.!n .t y,la 1.:icnl 'r un , the. pur�poso 6ei.ng im-lusauri of maa:I.
un ller.vt.! f or.e:= only I. v ger uni lzs were e= r-e uirczrl to f'i[ave
.iter p1an deve.Loganert. and =. ofw.n cif 1-he : ma.11el,- !..rn i.t.
ppl.ir. tLions r,r•re rrnta nl ]!=c::l: Lu tllO .Same: !::ir-e.FUl s!zr-uL.i.ny
Ar-, F..hre l u citwm, ! ns, Lhn r u we Olin wou:l 1 rni r-erA L ormz:l Law.
'L3-13 v1„
Or Lhe (11c,t.:i.!:rrr c f li ustr.�cr Nardi , e r.onra earl I:ry T^L! VL F•e
CI, usrmn;:i. ,
I iF:L3I71._VE D that Local.al. Law No70-1 lal "DecLi.on iE --....-.. _ common Ly
Icnowrr au "ADDITION "rD -11411 ZC)N.LNIa L-AW OF ME V)L..I4Vnfl: OF I'RVE:
amendo-nl to ;incr.l ucle 1--, ?--. ;arid :::.....Pani.ly cl wel 1.i.rry l,.A lc7irul
er-n,L L. app.1 ical rrrus pr-.i 0 r to i!s. !r:anc:e. CA ,a buil!JLncl Kr I.?I,
,arid f ol cii'ke I:rla II r-uav i.r, a of l an.1 nn rl!z:r- is u I I d i vi<sa tarn rev;L e!a.,
11-uest:ee Mui-skin v!ot::i.nrl AYF
.I..r.UPrl r=!> Nardi. voting AYE
"fr-r..uat r::.e 1:'r-esenz::i. volA ng AVI'c
ll' tt¢;l:.e t,* Zak voL.i.ng AYE:
NE,ycn'- I:.afacomfl l vnl-.i.ng AYE:
I(F [?l'IFT ill ll) I)iF..if II� ' FIIIV_-IJI I'f�f)f fJ,F.ik D l!lEIErI1J7 I !I'!hAf,Y DIJI)1,'L.:I_„-
d;iill B.I.arceata, I::'rcm= :i clen'L:, Ifl'd r1l” .• Dor:i:r L_i.pman, 'fir E,t.ctrr rrf
I.IIe L_ .l.rr iry Board of 'Tin I'c.r::.=.a wci e introduced by 1?31--une
NoMer- o, Rye Dr oill,: '13 L r ai srm 11r a Lee, and Ni _;. I :rmial�t ve.�W
t h as f:oI Iovvi rill r uF,or-l: end :ver.v:i.ew u4: l.:h!, Ezor-v:is:u ni' 1:j,',
L_i hr-al,Y.
(A1,t:ac:;h i..ep or..L I-u-:re
Rye aruok 's siare o+ t.he proposeu Luuuei:. :i.5s :V I�a,BOO, zast
year i� F wavi -15132,o00. Pur It share wils �zoa,noo
and is $3+7,30o +or to:is 'ear
wl, . ezuocaho expLainea that the I-Ourary was uoAng L.o ue
computerIzea, rx:[co means t-IcA a uuok ca^ be zvcal*eu
an'where :1 11 1111 en cuuvt.v, a"a wouza I Iave a ,er/ curren1: I�ota I
invel +orr, ^uL u^zv fur' uur I brary s,s+em, nu` +ur cuoqress
and even /n raoaua� T�Ie z:1 Loy ary s;s1tem hopes t.o net ane
^ H).i.,u of +xe rus� +ro* Jhe o+a[.e, one L»iru fro* the oouo+v
ana sne ffilru +rom parLICA nan�.s- Tienr share aL U1 is
+�me 1s A-10,00o11-1 is W0111 1:1 ro4pzace the present ca,u inuex
mayor xabce^ezI - t I ds an av»zjcaUon fur suI:)aL,jsd .ill of
oer+Aon I, eIuck 1e, 1auo, 1o1o, :1n�.1a2
eeorge worrow - s"o0n*erioo was uooe 13y c»arles x. aLzzs
H.rm, a ver' (.»orouqh repu,t includes a drainage ,eporL
souwkno present runcf+ and ant.icipaLoa runoff Frow �7 homes,
a seL of orawj�ous +or arywezzs un the prupert.', a topo
s»owlnu tree zucat��os, ana they are esH.nq +ur prel:Lmtnary
si �e nzan approval . It j.y my t.hat. /h j S' be
re+erreu Lo Exs vi.zzans coosuUa^t and Uxe pza^niny aoaru.
wayur KabcenezI zon:[nu - n-1.c - and sugoes�eu
that. I he apnzicatinn be referreu cu rreaerIck p. cxary
ossor.�iaLes Lu sa,e :i.f it co^furms Lo cuue and then be
r(.4prrea Lo the Pzann[no ouar-u fur cu�s��erut�o^, and txu�
th:ts acLi.00 he noted in the recora
F L.I r oewI++, o+ L'he xnuzican Chu rc» of ouve,L. wiz/ nvt
Laxe actjno unt:Lz the ueeu reshrLcLiun +rum SL ., pauz 's
churcI hc a*eodeu or I, evokeu� aL. Pau z ,s :as aoI- o a
twu-munt I I del ay anu nerefure
on the mnL ion a 71-us1'ee zaI':, sec01-ju.1u by 1usUHe we1.sxI^,
psooLvso tjlat ruhzic *earing "n the ou1-.)u.Iv:1sI.00
wPnlLcM.Au" uv L'oe ^nulican Church o+ Hx* oavent be
uajournoa un�i I May 201:h, '1906..
«zan raLcher, resiae^t, ma9n011a urive was a meeA:1nq
�a)zea zast Tou'saay b Fat1-1er xewi,t t at wo:Lc» »e was �rv1.nu
to see whelther aujacr"L pro,*rLy owners wou/u he wizzi^n Iu
purcl Iase strips m orunerLy to Ji" oruer IF or I f.Em tu ra:Ese
IT)onID,/, TI Ie consensus of the oeIyI Iooroouu tnat L.oere was no
uesire L.CE i.^crease 1:11e uize o+ +�Ieir rrEll er(-ies, a^u that
txev w:Ishc'a to oLai^ 1.»e aeea restr:1c+�io^.
TruMee MEA n - whal: ro1I+y would Lila "ejqxburs have Ely
*aj.nLaLnInq �xe aeeu res+r�c��unr mone
navor uauE,:eoej I - z unuersLaou 1.11at U-ere is a Vote C/ �ne
memuersh 1, "f U^e church ,A*n^ea�
qan enberts, otL.ornev for a+. pavzL; - z am Inere as an
oI iservei, , z cannot cumwenI: ~oaE! SIL, pauzs w:1z1 or wj I L noL
uv. or wien L I Iey vii z1 or vi j.1z 11,-,1, uo ��.
naynr xaxcenezz - i^ rs,Iew, Lhere »as ueen an apnz1caL�on
+or ,,uuivis.1o", and wxvAher or not. L»is usea resLrLc�1oo
ex iy1:s, we have Lo acA. u" +he rxe f.1rsI. sI:ep
we were L.aI J.ns t.ha+ J.+ tIne aeCa.u rca.s1:r:I(�L.i(DI exstin,u, we
were su«oes(Aon to t^e app/icaoL +hat Joey ^(A move forwaru,
because wha+e"er we uo wouzu" I� make anr senye anrway,
uecause of HIED ueeu /es+rEcL ion, - txev s+izl I-Iave the
` rj.u»L Lu su^ad.t txe suuaivision app/j,catio^ + Loe ueeu
resI c+jon :1s 1, emo,e1.1, U»is ooaru xas +1he rioht to acce[ t
or rejec:t Hxe suuuivisjon proposlal � rhis wo"Ea have I-ED
.ncxuae uLiuo of the orninal suuui visAon of +he
LoLaz orope,L' z+ txe ueea resLrj.c1:1,un j.s nu� zi++eIII, \
woulu 110pe that Hoe annzI culA.on would not ue pu/sueu anu
ha,e us go Hhruuoh L^e process of sP1onio9 "I-IeeAs when
noth:1og wiz/ I Iapppn.
ozao Katchpr - the aeed sneci+:i-es LA 5e for 1-ez/9113us purposes
onlv - and /or Iu oL her purpese,
Trus:ee mar ui - :1 L As my recoz.1ecLi(in thaL we I.osisteu o^
Ee ueeu resLrict:Iun :In t»p firs� pzace, w IT 111e ori EPnaz
vrorerLv was suuui,.1ueu
Ill,i T�xin vuL/nq avc
Trustee wara:1 ,otinn ovs
TrusI *e-, oresp"z:1. ,otjno OWE.
TrusI eED zak. ,oLinq ovs
Ill avor xabcenezz vut/no A,s
Eli he moL iu^ uf rrvsLee wa,cl i , secunueu uy Trus11ee za1: ,
nsanLvso Lhat the pu»zic oeari^y on the proposed oucjoet for
19a6/147 Le Sul: +ur Apr iz ac^, ,9a6.,
Tr^stee Ill eksI n votino ovL
TruoVee marai vuting A,s
Trus["ee crese,zj. ,(Aing *Ys
-If usI ee za� ,o��on x/s
navor xabcii'oe/z ,ulAne AYE.
This was !.� recluest for variance of Mze recireme^ts fur Le
s�on, as was a requzeave i k on vi 1 1.cm pruper+v.
Me orchl UecUm, al. ouara of Review I Ias we+ em flit mad: e a minor
r*comme^ua+ion Lit)aL t»p p,s+s on w»jc» +I Ie son is
surli ue Cu1; 1e,ez W Ii VI t I Ie !�:jy", t I Ierure
on H»e rrusiee warui. , seconueu by Trustee 11eis1d",
nsam-vso toat approvaI ue yiven to t»e present pzacement of
toe sign w1th +»e oro,Iso t Iat. ixe exL.e^aijig pu!As Lie
zevezzeEll w t:o t.I T,e ton of Uxe siun
Trust.ee cresenz.1 sAateu as a /urmer mem1er r+ lioe oo o+
xau alwars uee^ Lhe/r pi,ucti'e to oi.ve as I i L Lze
variaoce as pcm,siuze - w:ysuc� a u: n siunr rxe m�xLmum �n
a resn�:iaz CH.st,rict. i.s c +� , tx:[s js sf.
wuseufit nen,esen1:.it�:ive - +x:Ls is a r*nla(-emeoL 4:or a sinn
1:11 f, had J:)c-nen up for manv vMid rs which ~as noA ,'TV rL ic"zarzv
aL 1,1,acL,[,e.
Mayor xaucer �l-e new s/go is esse"tiakzv uje same sjze
as t I Ie o/u u,e - we ha,e nn+ I Iau an' neoat::L,e comme^Ls, on.1r
pusiti,e cmes, anu :i f li I Iis ii!3 apnroveu z lot nuzu zike [:I le
til io,Les 1:n re+zec+ Lhat amooq Ulu bases For IL*his Fs a
ill ra"ufaLher n+ a 1Mun that prev:Louyzy exwhich azso
exceeueu Ule wioi,mum yimp/y t. av(Dol u U»e op+/oo Of �omeone
e\�e sa'inn we uj.0 1+ for I oeIT), Why n(fli usMere was a
s:1 Ell +I la+ ex/si+ea nre,I , arid t.his in esseoC s it c^anoe
/^ aesuxetics anu n"t- Uhe size.
su apruoner, orc»i teccuraI Door of nevirw, st.aiieu Uhat. Ltler
consiuereu :ill *nre or zess a replacement of Lhe ozo Mgt).
rrustee mejs[r j Voting aYc
Trus+ee maraL ,ot:LFly ovs
Trusf.ee Cl,eseozi voLAu xYs
rrvstee zak ,uIt�vo ors
mavo, xauceoe] I ,nLioq oYs
wxsnsoo t�^e v�zIane aoaru, ux Juoe co, 1pan ueczareu a
fit oratFit rIom on t )e �usual ce o+ specia1, use »erfit�ts,
ca/ uuizaino permi s' an subai,:is1cin review o L 1-1e
area south of westches�er o,*oue, oou^ueu by we�Acnpster '
wve"ue, +he vi Izaoe of p^rt ches�er, it'he rown/vizlaoe of
*arr/su" and HIe ciLy o+ nve, wll:i \e a Master pza" stuu, was
under vav, and
u*spsoa, azL»uuo11 LlTis stuuv j.s nu" neariog compzet iun,
atzeayh two aau1+:Lc^az Mor +I is wire needed fo, informational
peeLinns anu speci+Ic p o L icv recowmenuaL.ions`
mow, Tnsnsroxs, os I nsooLvso LhaV t h i.s Moraboriu*, ac
s�a+eu L^ txe June coL.^, Lpor5l resozutjon, be exFenueu +o may
a1s1:, 1.plla.
*a'ur z - we quL L»e f:irsL renorc whi.ch was
aiscusyeu zasL e,C�oI"y aJ: a jo1nL wu,k. ssssI,o oaaru
a^u L he pzu,nann ooaru.
Tr,yAee weIsk i^ ,,ting 4vs
Tr"stse warai ,oting AYE
Trus�.ee cre°enzi ,oLing *Ys
Trustee zaI� v(::IL ino Ays
nayor Ka1)cenezz VC)UJig ()Ys
TIe npxL wnrx session "as scoeuuzeu for oprtz /111:h, Ppa^ nA
a pm
on �xe mot j.on o Trus1:PH maruj. , sec unueu b Iusl:ee
cresenz� ,
os zT nsam-vso Hial:. t^e salary scileuule e"ti+zeu ao*souLs o
a��wn/sa ue auopl:eu Jul' vizzage empzuxees for tjje Jroa
cszeooar 'ear, aou
BF zT punrosn RE SOLVED + lal: the Treasurer be auLoori,ie a to
pay ea-h employee rdue u"uer this scjjeuuze
I-um xa^uary
wayor xahcene we ^a,e a lanuar/ I s t vear enu, and (.oe
budget. is on/v ready end of Mar cx, so sazary changes are
rrustee warui - we puL U»em un a 4::1.scaz vear uusis
wi "x f:Dl' the inLer[m reriou.
mayor xabcenel I - we rOhnuza cerLai nl/ qive *hat some
consiaerat iun, it L wouI j J maI�e z:ife siflip zer
TrusLee meisj�:�n vuL:ion 4vs
Trus+ee waral ,uUno wvs
/,us�ee voting ays
rrusLee 7a1,� ,ot j.^u ovs
waror xabcenel/ vot:inn ovs
rhe me(--Aino was aajou,oea aL 9.3,o p*.