HomeMy WebLinkAbout70 S. D. 5 smcH�:sTE co-JrTTx DES A_�mr TT or, r ALTx W;i.11i&m A. hol_la, 17*0 D,, , Commiss.-Loner Whr.te Plains, N. Ye YER.HIT TO PROi'IDE A SE7AGE DISPOSAL St'STrP1 Apnlication having been daily Made to. tree Count-tT Cor;mi.ssi.onPr of ITeatth as reqnirPd by- Article II of the Sanitary gone of the 1+e;tche; ter Count* Health District, 'perrlission is h-E�!robv• g tTPr ti17) W _ • _ -- z��- ____i or 4he enng. l r,zc c�n ;�r k.0 s:_c?n of P see?ale c?isposr 1 W.Sv onslSri m of ��d..12�� � '�►li.. dy . . �o - tf14S&rewa ., �� b].aek Moto 12 .. --bcy --�-- ..�._..._____�._._._._.�_. ►�ow t of xiwNo* ONXIMM oaeupene • 8 pa'N�r 13 14 & 15 11M zWke A►�►+envc � sub;ect to the f ollovinfr c;ondit ions: I. That this department shall recei-.rF due notiif icf:-tion and be afforc ed an opportunity to inspect the s-rsten before any portion ?.s hacl-filled or covered. II. That this system shall not he used until the written final. approval thereof shall. have been obta_ined from the Dope rtpe%rit of Health. lth. T, That .mc.h sewar:e disposal systen shall lie constructed in comnlete con- formity rith the anr.lication data and plans as Appro:TPd or ra th approved amend— rients thereto. Any c}l.arcres in th is' s vsten ;gust be appro�Ted,. IV, That such systerq shall receive. onl;v the sevisge, or v a'stes from the structures or premises corered h-r this Perriit. V. Ths t such s-rsten sha 11 be so :is inta i n ed nn,d operated as not to expose sewage or sludge, or create a condition of nristnce. VI. That this permit s�lall. not -ire construed to's.n_1'1 iZ".date anv rule--Qr-reru lation enforceable by any loom authori t-iT hflvinr,- juri sdict .on. VIJ. The t all diily Fna c tet? rz:1Ps and re «la tioi1s for the nrotecti.on of va ter supplies shall be complied v7ith. VIII. That a connection to the r)ublic seTaer sl-qll be rlade as soon as such is available. IX.-. Thn t rheneve r it ;s Oe tern_-Lne b-r t'.ie Cowii_q s i oner of Health that additional. or more adequate sevapp. disposal faci 1 tles Eire r.ecessert�, such facilities sIlAall be provided, nlens ''or v�hich. sha.Ll f=rst be. si.bnittE--�d to and receive the a :prowl of the Dep�rtr�ent of fal .lth�. X. That whenever the sludre and scup shah so accumulate in z;ny settling tank as to occupy together st any point more than one--fourth of the distance betreen the bottom and the f.1or line, they shall be renoved. XI. That.rhenever sludge and scum is' rerloved from anir settling tank or airy' art of the system, i.t shall he done •in such a. manner c s to cruse n and o nuisance a..c� the .arterial disposed of by burial in some remote place at least 250 feet from any hoi.ise, road,. yell, snri_np, gtreen or- other body of 1;ter,- �c�v d-�rrlth nit less than b inches of earth in such n mrnnor that it rill not flout or be vashed by rain or melted snow or other means over the. surface of the Around or J. any Drell, stream, spring or ether bode of eater. XII. That this permit shall be revocable at any time or subject to Modifica•- tlon. or change r en in the judgment of th c, C o*mni s isioner of Health such revocation, modlf .catzon or change shall become neces ^Fry.. Date: 19�0 COMPTLI�SSioTT' t "guet �� 5 :tf THE 0,. M OR �L AGE MIT MUST RECEIVE THIS PER.r:TIT OR. A COT'Y T�IERLOF soy Q. B. KallenMay A bing In"ot� • Imo.