HomeMy WebLinkAbout2002-05-28 - Board of Trustees Meeting Minutes APPROVED MINUTES
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
JODY H. BRACKMAN—absent until 10:00 p.m.
STAFF: Edward J. Beane—Village Attorney
Christopher J. Bradbury—Village Administrator
Connie DiSalvo—Assistant to the Village Administrator
Chief Robert J. Santoro—Chief of Police
Victor G. Carosi, P.E.,Village Engineer
David Kvinge -Village Consultant
William Gerety,Building Inspector
Robert Bertolacci—Recreation Superintendent
Gina Tarascio—Meeting Secretary
1. Pledge of Allegiance
Mayor Filipowski called the meeting to order and invited everyone to join in the
Pledge of Allegiance.
2. Roll Call
Mayor Filipowski asked the Assistant to the Administrator to call the roll; a quorum
was present to conduct official village business. Mayor Filipowski announced that as a
reminder everyone is entitled to speak once on any issue but with a time limitation. Mayor
Filipowski announced that two items will be taken out of order,Item #1 and 1A.
At this time, certificates of appreciation were distributed to Ms. Diane DiSanto and
Ms. Cathy Spinosa for 15 years of service with the Village of Rye Book. Mayor Filipowski
presented the certificates and congratulated them on their years with Rye Brook.
Old Business:
Dolph Rotfeld's Report on Phase 1 of study of the eastern branch of the Blind Brook.
Mr. Rotfeld provided a report to the board on the phase 1 study of the eastern
branch of the Blind Brook. Mr. Rotfeld illustrated to the board his report, which was
displayed and had plotted the major pipelines that carry the brook. Mr. Rotfeld stated that
the drainage study was taken from the dam below Hidden Falls and that the only thing
remaining on the first phase was to obtain the historical data of complaints about flooding
that occurred within the past 12 to 15 years. He also pointed out a more detailed,larger scale
showing a portion of the mapping and survey work performed and stated that the hydrolic
model will show where to make improvements based upon the data. Mayor Filipowski asked
that depending on the data they receive from the state would this hinder the process. Mr.
Rotfeld replied No;it would not hinder the process. Mr. Rotfeld also advised that if any
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
residents have experienced any flooding in the area; they should contact Mr. Carosi
or Mr. Rotfeld.
Mr. Garrett Gordan, 3 Stone Falls Court, Rye Brook resident asked where most of
the flooding originates from. Mr. Rotfeld explained where the water derives from according
to their studies.
Mr. Jim Fishbein. 4 Stone Falls Court, Rye Brook resident asked the board for a
timeline and if after this report would any events be scheduled.
Mr. Bradbury explained the different phases along with the timeline and what this
entails. Mr. Rotfeld stated that probably by the end of July/middle of August, there would
be an interim report issued before the final report.
1) Adopting a local law to amend Chapter 135 of the Village Code concerning
garbage, refuse and rubbish.
The board decided that there would be no action taken on this resolution.
2) Referring Stanwich School subdivision, special use permit, site plan approvals,
and wetlands permit, sectionl, Block 3, Lots 2.1 and 2.2 to Planning Board.
Mayor Filipowski requested a brief overview from Mr. Dan Tartaglia who represents the
Stanwich School. The overview was presented to the board by Mr. Dan Tartaglia, which
included a subdivision, special use permit, site plan, and wetlands permit. Trustee Degling
asked if an application would be required to Harrison since part of the land is in Harrison.
Mr. Tartaglia explained that the land has been identified as being west of the Blind Brook;
therefore, no application process would be necessary. Trustee Santon stated that he would of
Eked to see a more visual presentation and also raised some concerns about zoning
requirements and traffic control measures.
Ms. Marcy Klein, 44 Lincoln Avenue, Rye Brook resident addressed the board and
had some questions regarding zoning and how the Stanwich School would benefit the
village. She also was concerned about the effect this development will have on the Blind
Brook school district and how the Blind Brook school district is involved in this process.
Mr. Ed Beane addressed these questions and stated that the Stanwich School has to
go through many processes for the village. Mr. Beane had no specific information on how
the school district would handle it but stated that there are communications between Blind
Brook and the Stanwich School and that this application must go through the planning
board and Board of Trustees before any decision is made. Mayor Filipowski stated that this
is in the formative stages and as we get closer, all information will be sorted through and
data will be evaluated.
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Tartaglia addressed the board and stated that the Stanwich School does not want
to have an impact on anyone. They want to move into the village of Rye Brook as seamlessly
as possible and provide a benefit to the Rye Brook along with some amenities. Mr. Tartaglia
stated that the Stanwich School has attempted to meet with the school district and want to
meet with school district so all concerns can be alleviated.
Mr. Monroe Haas, Rye Brook resident addressed the board and stated that he
disagreed with Mr. Tartaglia about not disrupting Rye Brook and that the schools will be
affected by this. He also asked if the Stanwich School's address would be in Greenwich or in
Rye Brook.
Mr. Karen Furst, 4 Hillandale Road, Rye Brook resident addressed the board and
asked why are we going forward with the Stanwich School and why aren't we discussing it
now and then go forward with all the phases if it is feasible and beneficial for Rye Brook.
Mr. Beane stated that as part of the planning process all of these issues would be
discussed before the Planning Board as we go through the process. This is the process we
have to follow legally and all issues will be addressed.
Mayor Filipowski provided a comparison between an office building and a school on
this property with regard to traffic,parking spaces, days of operation, etc.,which would be
substantially less if a school,was on the property in lieu of an office building. He stated that
all this information would be presented to the planning board.
Mr. Tartaglia addressed the board and stated that legally they are following all the
rules and do not want to have a negative effect on the community and the school's address
would be in Rye Brook.
Mr. Ken Heller, 22 Lincoln Avenue,Rye Brook resident addressed the board and
asked if the Stanwich School was going to rent the land from Reckson or purchase this land
from Reckson and what is the cutoff point where Reckson can cancel the deal.
Mr. Tartaglia stated that the Stanwich School is in contract to acquire the fee tide to
the property and that they will continue to pursue approval up to the point that they are no
longer permitted by contract or they will extend the contract,if necessary. Mr. Tartaglia
explained that Reckson has a right to cancel the agreement at a certain point in time,
however,the Stanwich School is willing to take the risk and this property is desirable.
Trustee Santon suggested amending the notice to include residential property owners
such as Bellefair, Harrison, Greenwich,Doral Greens,Town of Rye, City of Rye,and King
Merritt Homeowners Association. He would also like to make the frontage notice read 500
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Santon the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Rye Brook has received an application from The
Stanwich School (the "Applicant") acting as contract vendee with the consent of the
property owner, Reckson Operating Partnership, for Preliminary Subdivision Plat Approval,
Amended Site Plan Approval, Special Use Permit,and Wetlands Permit; and
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
WHEREAS, the proposed action (the "Project") involves the construction of a
private K-12 school on the site, consisting of ten (10) buildings totaling ±175,000 square feet
in size, athletic fields, parking, lighting, landscaping, and related site development activities,
to be built in four (4) phases; and
WHEREAS, the ±31.5-acre property (the "Property"),which is known as the Phase
3 portion of the Reckson office park development, is located at the Reckson Executive Park
on the west side of King Street approximately 2,000 feet north of the intersection formed by
King Street and Anderson Hill Road, within the OB-1, Campus/Office Building Zoning
District,in the Village of Rye Brook,New York and is shown as Tax Lot Section 1,Block 3,
Lots 2.1 and 2.2. Approximately 3.5 acres of the property is located within the Town of
Greenwich, Connecticut, and approximately 0.5 acres are located within the Town/Village
of Harrison,New York.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Rye Brook Board
of Trustees determines that the Project is a Type I action and declares itself Lead Agency, in
accordance with the State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQRA);and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the subject application is referred to the
Village Planning Board's meeting commencing July 11, 2002 for a report and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Applicant shall deposit twenty thousand
dollars ($20,000) into the Village's professional fees/environmental review fund, and such
additional sums as may be requested,to defray the cost of review of this application;and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Applicant shall notify all neighboring
property owners within 500 feet of the property line of the subject site as well as the
Town/Village of Harrison, Town of Greenwich, Town of Rye, City of Rye, State University
of New York at SUNY Purchase, Chemin Nursery, The Homeowners Association of King
Merritt Estate, and all property owners of the Bellefair and Doral Arrowwood. Notifications
shall be sent no sooner than 15 days and no later than 10 days before said Planning Board
meeting. Notifications shall be sent by certified mail, return receipt requested, and shall
include a brief description of the application and the meeting date and time. Proof of
mailing shall be submitted to the Village of Rye Brook Building Inspector by the end of the
business day the Thursday before the Planning Board meeting and shall include a map of the
site and surrounding area with an identifying code (typically owner name, street address, or
tax ID), a list of the property owners, and the certified mail receipts. The applicant also
should submit, at the meeting, any return receipts received as of the date of the meeting.
Trustee Brackman Absent
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
3) Adjourning the proposed Hilton Garden Inn applications to be located on
Anderson Hill Road.
Mr. William Null of Cuddy&Feder&Worby,LLP who represents the applicant
addressed the board and stated that they submitted a letter on May Wh and that they are
preparing additional information responsive to these issues and are asking for additional
time. They would like an informal discussion between making a formal submission and
would like to set a date for October/November.
Mayor Filipowski stated that this issue has been going on since March 2001 and the
board would like to seek closure on this matter. Trustee Goodman along with Trustee
Santon made some recommendations regarding the language in the resolution.
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Santon the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, in March of 1999 the applicant submitted an application to the
Village to construct a 145-room hotel on the subject site located at the southwest
corner of the intersection formed by Anderson Hill Road and King Street, within the
H-1 Hotel Zoning District; and
WHEREAS, on or about June 15, 1999, issued a positive declaration for the
proposed action; and
WHEREAS, a coordinated review of the application has been conducted by the
Village, with the Village Board of Trustees acting as Lead Agency, for the proposed action;
WHEREAS, a Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) was prepared by the
applicant and accepted as complete by the Lead Agency on August 16, 2000, and a Public
Hearing on the DEIS was held on September 26, 2000; and
WHEREAS, a Final Environmental Impact Statement (FEIS) was prepared in draft
form by the applicant for review by the Village and submitted on or about January 23, 2001;
WHEREAS, additional information concerning a number of potential
environmental impacts associated with the proposed development was requested of the
applicant in memoranda from the Village's Planning Consultant dated March 15, 2001,
referencing previous comments made on the DEIS by the Village's Planning Consultant; and
WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a response dated April 4, 2001 including a
portion of the additional information requested; and
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
WHEREAS, the Village's Planning Consultant, by memorandum dated September
6, 2001, highlighted outstanding issues and recommended certain changes to the FEIS
regarding other issues; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board created a subcommittee to work more closely with
the applicant and insure that the requested information was prepared and submitted in an
adequate form for the review of the entire Board, which subcommittee met with the
applicant on October 23, 2001 to discuss areas of concern and the additional information
requested; and
WHEREAS, the applicant submitted a letter dated October 29, 2001 addressing, in
part, only one of the issues discussed, and the Planning Board determined that the
submission was inadequate; and
WHEREAS, the Planning Board reiterated its request of the additional information
in a letter addressed to the applicant dated November 20, 2001; and
WHEREAS, the applicant has submitted a written response dated December 3,
2001 to the request for additional information but has not provided the additional
information in either form or substance to adequately address the issues of concern; and
WHEREAS, on December 13, 2001 the Planning Board of the Village Rye Brook
adopted a resolution determining that the applicant has been non-responsive in complying
with request to provide addition information detertuined by the Planning Board as necessary
in order to adequately address the potential environmental impacts and complete the final
environmental impact statement for the proposed action;and
WHEREAS, the Board of Trustees considered and deliberated on the subject
application at various times since its submission; and
WHEREAS, at the request of the applicant, the Board adjourned consideration of
the application several times to permit the applicant additional time to provide the requested
information and as of May 28, 2002 the additional information has not been supplied.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Village of Rye Brook Board
of Trustees adjourns consideration on the subject application to August 27, 2002; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that if the applicant does not provide the
requested information to the satisfaction of the Village staff and outside consultants on or
before July 29, 2002, the Village will deem the application to be abandoned.
Trustee Brackman Absent
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
1) Considering a Local Law to Amend Chapter 135 of the Village Code concerning
Garbage, Refuse and Rubbish.
Mayor Filipowski declared the public hearing open.
Mr. Ken Heller, 22 Lincoln Avenue,resident of Rye Brook addressed the board and
stated his concerns over this local law. He is concerned about the language and stated that it
should be reviewed and more consistent.
Mr. Peter Freeman, 144 Country Ridge Drive, Rye Brook resident addressed the
board and stated his concern about enforcing rubbish pick up. He stated he would like these
rules enforced by a warning and then a ticket.
Chief Santoro addressed the board and explained the procedures. He stated that the
village has increased warnings over the past few months and they are getting a handle on it
and have seen a marked improvement. They are issuing summonses and will be issuing
Trustee Santon stated they are trying to improve the quality of life and find proper
balance to keep our streets looking clean and orderly. However,the village needs to educate
the landscapers about this information.
It was decided there would be no action taken on this resolution.A work session is
scheduled for 6:30 p.m. on June 25ffi to discuss. At this time,Mayor Filipowski asked for a
motion to adjourn the public hearing to the June 25ffi board meeting. Motion was made by
Trustee Santon and seconded by Trustee Degling.
Trustee Brackman Voting Aye
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
3) Considering the appointments to Boards, Committees and Commissions.
Trustee Santon requested an announcement regarding openings on various boards
for the public. Mayor Filipowski announced the openings and direction if there is any
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Santon the
following resolution was adopted:
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
RESOLVED, that Stephen Lurie of 2 Fairlawn Parkway is hereby reappointed for a
term which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2005; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Joanne Henrick is hereby appointed Chairperson.
RESOLVED, that Roberta Pecora is hereby appointed Chairperson.
RESOLVED, that Domenic Accurso of 10 Whippoorwhill Road is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday of April, 2005; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Mitchell Levy of 14 Churchill Road is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday of April, 2005; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Adrienne Wesley of Beechwood Boulevard is
hereby appointed to fill the unexpired term of Amerigo Liberati,whose term expires at noon
on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Richard Romm is hereby appointed Chairperson.
RESOLVED, that Michael Goldstein of 62 Bowman Avenue is hereby reappointed
for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Barbara Bernstein of 5 Mark Drive is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Barry Erner of 5 Candy Lane is hereby reappointed
for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michelle Mendicino of 9 Phyllis Place is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Stolzar of 19 Rockinghorse Trail is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires on the first Monday in April, 2003; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that Michael Stolzar is hereby appointed Chairperson
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
RESOLVED, that David Heiser is hereby appointed chairperson
RESOLVED, that Pat Romano of 7 Bellefair Boulevard is hereby appointed for a
term which expires on the first Monday in April, 2005; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that John Grzan of 10 Candy Lane is hereby
reappointed for a term which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2005; and be it
FURTHER RESOLVED, that John Grzan is hereby appointed Chairperson
RESOLVED, that the following individuals are hereby reappointed to the Records
Management Committee for a term which expires on the first Monday in April, 2003:
Francis L. Filipowski,Mayor
Christopher J. Bradbury,Administrator
Diane DiSanto,Treasurer
Jean Gesoff, Senior Citizen Coordinator
Robert J. Santoro,Police Chief
RESOLVED, that Ed Howe is hereby appointed chairperson.
RESOLVED, that that Robert Riordan is hereby appointed Chairperson
RESOLVED, that Danielle McCann of 5 Elm Hill Drive is hereby appointed for a term
which expires at noon on the first Monday in April, 2005.
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
RESOLVED, that Joel Hecker is hereby appointed Chairperson
Trustee Brackman Absent
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
4) Acceptance of Kemper's Insurance Proposal for Fiscal Year June 2002-2003.
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Goodman the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Rye Brook has retained Insurance Consultant Advisory
Services, Inc,dba,Risk Management Services to review,prepare specifications and solicit
proposals to meet the property,automobile,general,public officials and police officials
liability needs of the Village; and
WHEREAS, Risk Management Services over the past several months has made the
following determination:
1) The current insurance marketplace is restrictive.
2) Average increases range from 45% to 110%
3) There is diminished insurance availability
WHEREAS, Kemper's Insurance Company rated A15, has offered the Village of Rye
Brook an 8-10%increase with broader coverages; and
WHEREAS, coverage under the excess liability program now covers over all areas of
liability. For example, $10 million of public officials liability exists as compared to $3 million
with Coregis Insurance Company.
RESOLVED, that the Village of Rye Brook Board of Trustees hereby accepts the
placement of the Villages'insurance portfolio,including, but not limited to,property,
automobile,general,public officials and police officials liability,with the Kemper Insurance
Company,brokered by the Alliance Brokerage Corporation,Westbury,NY effective June 1,
2002 and such placement shall be for a period of at least one year.
Trustee Brackman Absent
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
6) Setting a date for a public hearing on a local law to establish a six month
moratorium on the issuance of permits and approvals in the R-12, R-15, R-20 zoning
districts and the Lincoln Avenue corridor.
Mayor Filipowski asked Mr. Beane to explain how this moratorium proposal was
different from the one eight months ago. Mr. Beane explained that this proposal does not
include any provision prohibiting construction or renovation. It includes only development;
all types of development, subdivision, and site plan approvals, and zone changes. There is
also no automatic waiver or exclusion for building permits or subdivisions in the works or
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Santon the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Village of Rye Brook has received a significantly increasing number
of applications for the subdivision, resubdivision and site plan approval of lots that have and
may result in homes being built that are out of scale with the unique character of Rye
Brook's residential neighborhood, the removal of wooded areas and significant vegetation,
and may otherwise cause or contribute to drainage and other environmental and land use
WHEREAS, the adoption of a moratorium will permit the Village to analyze the
potential impact of continued development of this scale and the effectiveness of the Village's
regulations dealing with minimum lot size, density, setbacks and bulk standards, in particular
lot and building size and appropriate setbacks.
RESOLVED, that the Board of Trustees shall hold a public hearing on June 11,
2002 at 7:30 p.m., at the Village Hall, 938 King Street, Rye Brook, New York to consider a
proposed local law to establish a six month moratorium on the issuance of permits and
approvals in the R-12, R-15, R-20 Zoning Districts and Lincoln Avenue Corridor.
Trustee Brackman Absent
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
7) Authorization of funds for the 4`h of July Fireworks display to be paid by the Port
Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Independence Day Observance Committee, Inc.
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Ken Heller, 22 Lincoln Avenue,Rye Brook resident addressed the board and
stated that attendance has fallen considerably for this event and asked the public to attend
this free community event and make a contribution to the committee.
Mayor Filipowski asked for a motion to amend the resolution to $3,000.00.
Motioned was made by Trustee Brackman and seconded by Trustee Santon.
On a motion made by Trustee Degling and seconded by Trustee Brackman the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, the Port Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Independence Day
Observance Committee,Inc.will be hosting a 4 h of July fireworks display on Thursday,July
4, 2002, and
WHEREAS, the Village of Rye Brook Board of Trustees would like to assist the
Port Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Independence Day Observance Committee,Inc. with
this event; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED,that the Village of Rye Brook will pay three
thousand dollars to the Port Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Independence Day
Observance Committee,Inc. for it's 4`'' of July fireworks display.
Trustee Brackman Voting Aye
Trustee Degling Voting Nay
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
8) Approval of Meeting Minutes: February 12, 2002, February 26, 2002, March 12,
2002, March 26, 2002
As amended,Ms. Connie DiSalvo to make changes for 2/12, 2/26, 3/12 minutes
Trustee Brackman Voting Aye
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
Approval of March 26, 2002 Minutes
Trustee Brackman Voting Aye
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
Administrator's Report
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Bradbury stated that the Phase II water restrictions have been lifted and that reservoirs
are over 95% filled. Mr. Bradbury proceeded to provide a status report and review the
various projects in Rye Brook.
9) Authorization Of Funds For The 2002 Memorial Day Parade To Be Paid To The
Port-Chester-Rye Brook-Town Of Rye Veteran's Central Committee
Mr. Bradbury stated that the Veterans Committee requested $750.00 for
reimbursement for the Memorial Day Parade. Unanimously the board consented to pay.
On a motion made by Trustee Santon and seconded by Trustee Brackman the
following resolution was adopted:
WHEREAS, The Port Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Veteran's Central Committee will
be hosting the 2002 Memorial Day Parade on Monday May 27, 2002; and
WHEREAS, the Village of Rye Brook Board of Trustees would like to assist the Port
Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Veteran's Central Committee with this event;and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Village of Rye Brook will pay seven hundred
and fifty dollars ($750.00) to the Port Chester-Rye Brook-Town of Rye Veteran's Central
Committee for its 2002 Memorial Day Parade.
Trustee Brackman Voting Aye
Trustee Degling Voting Aye
Trustee Goodman Voting Aye
Trustee Santon Voting Aye
Mayor Filipowski Voting Aye
New Business:
Report from Ed Howe on activities of the Telecommunications Commission
Mayor Filipowski announced the following:
Next Board of Trustees Meeting:
June 11, 2002
June 25, 2002
Mr. Ben Miloro,Hillcrest Avenue,Rye Brook resident addressed the board and stated his
concern over the Grant Street Housing development Senior Housing and how long they are
guaranteed for.
Mayor Filipowski asked Mr. Bradbury to find out about this information and stated that they
will find out by the public hearing at the June 1l b board meeting.
Board of Trustees Regular Meeting
May 28, 2002 at 7:30 p.m.
Mr. Freeman,Rye Brook resident addressed the board and stated his concern regarding the
traffic on Ridge Street to King Street and making a left turn,which is extremely dangerous.
Mayor Filipowski stated that they are working on this problem.
Respectfully Submitted,
Christopher J. Bradbury
Village Clerk