HomeMy WebLinkAbout2012-12-04 - Parks and Rec Advisory Council Meeting Minutes DRAFT
RYE BROOK, New York 10573
December 4, 2012
Convene Meeting:
Chairman Jamie Schutzer called the meeting to order at 8:22pm.
The following Members of the Council were present:
Advisory Council Members:
Chairman Jamie Schutzer, Frank Carbone, Brian Funtleyder, Adam Berman
Glenn Brettschneider, Jennifer Wohl, Christopher Dutra
Absent Council Members:
Kevin O'Neil, Adam Zahl
Rye Brook Residents:
Scott Tillison
Kenneth Frankel
Recreation Department Members:
Robert Bertolacci, Parks &Recreation Superintendent
Carmella Swick, Sr. Office Assistant
1. Minutes:
Chairman Schutter asked for a motion to accept the November 6, 2012 Minutes. A motion was
made by Committee Member Berman to accept the November 6, 2012 Minutes and was
seconded by Committee Member Brettschneider. The Minutes were approved and accepted by
II. Public View Points:
Scott Tillison said he would like to discuss one of the rules for basketball which states that kids
have to play a zone defense. Scott thinks that a man to man defense would be a better
consideration for that age group, which is 2nd and 3rd grade boys.
Committee Member Berman said that from years past the kids played 1/2 or 1/4 man to man and
the rest was an option to play zone. The problem arose that there is multiple substitution at this
age and would be magnified more with 2nd and 3rd grade especially for kids just getting out there
for the first time. It takes away a tremendous amount of playing time from the kids. I don't
disagree that man to man might be easier if the same kids were playing the entire time with only
1 or 2 substitutions.
Superintendent Bertolacci said it's been my experience that it's always been easier to teach your
kid to play an area of the gym as opposed to following someone around the gym for the entire
time. It's easier for a kid to cover a certain area especially when they are just starting out to play
Scott said our goal of Rec basketball is to teach the kids the fundamentals of basketball. My first
exposure this past Saturday, is that you have 5 kids standing in the lane and all that promotes is a
lot of dribbling around the outside, and you can't get anywhere inside. Next thing you have a kid
trying for the basket who could hardly reach the rim.
Committee Member Brettschneider said if you have 5 kids out there playing man to man, you
would realize that there is really one good player on the team. At this age it's more exposure for
the kids. If they were to play man to man those players would never touch the ball. The way it
is set up now they would get a pass and that's what it is for 2nd and 3rd grade.
Committee Member Berman said we are trying to teach positions and the basics of zone defense.
When they get into the higher grade they learn man to man. Committee Member Berman said
Scott's point is well taken and that we can discuss this issue further for the next season.
Scott asked if there were any changes made for the upper grades.
Committee Member Berman said we made a change two years ago; it was the first half they
played zone and the second half you had to play man to man, then we left it up to the coaches'
discretion. The max anyone can play is 3 1/2 periods and the least is 2 quarters.
Ken Frankel said last weekend there was a 3 on 3 basketball tournament for 6`h, 7ffi and 8ffi grade
at Teen Night. It's a great tournament and the kids have a lot of fun. One of the issues before
the tournament is that many of the kids were left out of participating and they wanted to
participate but their friends didn't ask them to be on a team. Basically, you have a bunch of the
better basketball players forming teams with other better basketball players and the mid-level
and lower-level are not being asked to play. The parents got involved and asked other kids if
their kids can be put on their roster. Maybe we can open the tournament to everyone and the Rec
Department can draw the names out of a hat and teams can be formed to give everyone a chance
to play.
Committee Member Carbone said he has kids in both grades and he saw what happened. It
didn't happen as much in the seventh grade. There seems to be a problem in the 6th grade. My
son and his friends didn't play because they said they were just going to get beat because all the
better players already made their teams.
Committee Member Berman said last year his seventh grader got together with their friends and
only would play with their friends. You are always going to have that situation. It's like when
Dads coach, there are dads that don't get asked to coach and they don't want to be thrown on a
team because they don't know the other dad. So do we want to get all the coaches and put them
in a hat and place them on a team randomly?
Committee Member Brettschneider said maybe the balance is not to form your own team and not
randomly assign teams so you play the same team, maybe throughout the tournament you rotate
the teams and keep rotating so everyone plays every team.
Superintendent Bertolacci said if you are going to call it a tournament, its going to be a
tournament, if you want to make it an open gym, its going to be an open gym. If it is going to be
a tournament, Rec is not going to make the teams. Superintendent Bertolacci said you are always
going to have issues when it is competitive program.
Committee Member Berman said it's a tournament and if you want to participate you play
otherwise, you don't participate. You can have a 3 on 3 tournament and the next week have an
open gym for whoever wants to play.
Committee Member Funtleyder said it's completely socialistic and it's picked out of a hat
randomly or it becomes competitive and they make their own teams.
Committee Member Berman said another alternative is that everyone who wants to participate
puts their name in and the Rec Department who knows the kids can form the teams. Some of
these kids probably won't come back it they can't make their own teams.
iii. Basketball Sub-Committee Report
a. Update on Week 1
Committee Member Berman said the system of checking the pre-draft worked out and some
changes were made. It was somewhat beneficial and it gave us a look at the rating system and a
look for as close a parity as we can get. As we get into the next few weeks, kids don't show up
for various reasons; sickness, other games, conflicts etc. There were also a couple of technical
fouls on parent coaches. We have to reiterate to the coaches and its incumbent on Kyle and
Janice to send e-mails out that the coaches understand that a second incident warrants that the
coach comes before the committee or the Superintendent.
Committee Member Berman said when a ref makes a call, even if it's a wrong call, you are
coaching 10 and 11 year olds you have to be the adult and respect that call. If you bark at that
ref, what example are you sending to those kids? I think it's warranted that anytime anyone gets
a technical it has to be addressed and we have to make sure the referees are aware of the rules
and if someone has a problem with a referee, they should talk to the Superintendent about it. if
it's consistent, they won't use that ref anymore.
Committee Member Berman said we reviewed all the rules but we didn't see the 8th and 9th
grade. I saw them on-line and the only difference is that there is currently no overtime. Since we
switched the 6th and 7th because there are playoffs and standings, it shouldn't end in a tie. If you
have playoffs and standings for 8th and 9th there should have a 2 or 4 minute overtime.
Superintendent Bertolacci said if there is a tie, they do play overtime if time warrants.
Committee Member Wohl asked who monitors how much time someone sits or how much time
one plays. I have gotten some complaints that certain kids have not played enough and one
coach was called out on it.
Committee Member Berman said this issue has been a problem for years. I have coached 8 kids,
worked the rotation and coached them playing and tried to watch the other coach to make sure all
his players got to play. If I see that happening, I would go over to the Rec person who is working
and inform them of the situation so they can keep an eye on that coach. if the Rec staff sees a
situation like that, they would call out to the coach of that team and let the coach know that all
players should play a certain period of time.
Superintendent said if it becomes an issue with one specific team; bring it to Kyle's attention.
For the next couple of games, Lauren, Meagan or Kyle will watch that specific team and make
sure that coach does what he is suppose to.
IV. Superintendent's Report:
a. Hurricane Sandy Update
Superintendent Bertolacci reported that there is still damage in our parks. The park staff has been
clearing the road with the Department of Public Works. Rye Hills Park is still a disaster area.
Hopefully, Central Tree will be coming in to clean up some of the debris.
b. Carnival Update:
Superintendent Bertolacci said he is getting prepared to recommend to the Village Board to
authorize a carnival company at a location to be determined. We are working on 900 King Street
which is right behind our building. i sent out 5 RFP's and got four back and one declined to bid.
He didn't want to take a chance with the weather and the fact is, he was coming from
Pennsylvania. Three quotes were good and one not so good. Superintendent Bertolacci said he
checked the references of the companies and checked the rides that they offer. We are trying to
get this item on the Agenda for the next Village Board meeting on Tuesday, and hopefully we
will have a carnival company on board. Then we can work out the specifics with the site. The
company will add the Village as additionally insured on their policy; also the state comes in to
check the rides before the actual dates of the carnival. They also have to get permits from the
building inspector here with a site plan to make sure there is emergency access. As far as
parking, we plan to use part of the carnival site and the Blind Brook High School lot. The dates
for the carnival are April 12, 13,and 14. On Opening Day, the first baseball game will be played
on the Rye Brook Athletic Field, and after the game, we will march over to the carnival.
c. 3-on-3 Tournament Feedback
Discussed under Public View Points.
d. Request to Host Baseball Tournament
Superintendent Bertolacci said he has a request from a baseball team to host a tournament at Pine
Ridge Park, Garibaldi, and the Rye Brook Athletic Field. it is to be held on Saturday, June 29th
which is 1 or 2 weeks after our Little League program ends and in the middle of our tournament
schedule. if we give them that date, they will be taking all our fields off line for our teams to
practice. We are talking about trying to host some Little League games this year also.
Chairman Schutzer suggested that this team hold their tournament a week earlier.
Superintendent Bertolacci said you are still handicapping our Little League teams.
Chairman Schutzer asked what we would get if we rent the fields to this baseball team.
Superintendent Bertolacci said we would probably get around $1500 to $2000 because they
would be using our grass fields not our turf field.
Superintendent Bertolacci asked do we want to handicap our Little League teams by renting out
our fields and thus our Little League can't use the fields for practice.
Committee Member Dutra suggested that we offer the fields but we will take a 2 hour block for
our teams to practice that weekend.
Superintendent Bertolacci said he would tell TagEm tournaments that the weekend of the 29th is
out and if he wants to hold the tournament on the 22nd we would make our fields available with
the exception of the two hour slot. Superintendent Bertolacci said a motion has to be made
because it has to go before the Village Board for approval because there is a 90 day window that
they can't request anything prior to use of the fields.
Committee Member Funtleyder made a motion for TagEm Tournaments to rent our fields the
weekend of June 22nd with the contingent of a two slot in the morning of that weekend for our
Little League to practice. Committee Member Carbone seconded the motion and all approved.
V. Baseball Sub-Committee Report
Committee Member Carbone said he held off on a meeting because he didn't know if a new
committee is appointed each year. He didn't want to assume that he was chair again but he
would volunteer to chair the baseball sub-committee.
Superintendent Bertolacci said the Chairman of the Recreation and Parks Advisory Committee
reappoints the chairman of the sub-committee and there should be only 4 members including the
chair. If there are 5 members or more Minutes have to be taken at each meeting and the meeting
must be publicly noted.
Chairman Schutter appointed Committee Member Carbone to be chairman of the baseball sub-
committee. The other members for the baseball sub-committee were appointed by Chairman
Schutzer, and the members are Adam Zahl, Kevin O'Neil and Chris Dutra.
Committee Member Carbone said you have an option of having an 1 1 through 13 year old
division, which is not feasible for us. We don't have enough 13 year olds to play because they all
play modified and Junior Varsity.
Chairman Schutter would like to recommend that the baseball sub-committee have a
conversation with Port Chester Baseball about merging the baseball program.
Superintendent Bertolacci said you can't merge with Port Chester because it's two separate
Superintendent Bertolacci said our Little League baseball clinic will be held the first four
Wednesdays in January. The first two clinics will be dedicated to hitting and the last two clinics
will be dedicated to pitching and throwing. The clinic will be in our winter brochure and we will
also send out an e-mail.
VI. Old Business:
a. Village Field Usage
Chairman Schutzer said he would be attending the Village Board meeting on December 11`d to
discuss our field usage in the Village. Chairman Schutter said there was an article in the
Westmore News stating that the Blind Brook School District is considering letting the public use
their school fields. Committee Member Funtlyder said that you can now rent their fields. They
will have the same rules for insurance and $75.00 for 2 hours. Chairman Schutzer asked if we
could find out the number of people allowed on the field without a permit.
Chairman Schutzer said we will table the Village Field Usage until the next meeting.
b. Concession Stand
Chairman Schutter said in last month's Minutes we were going to think about the concession
stand for the next meeting to decide whether to recommend it to Bert about including this item in
his budget or just drop it.
Committee Member Brettschneider said it would cost a lot of money and he doesn't think you
we would get the people to come there. The concession stand at the turf field wasn't open for the
fall soccer program. i don't see it as getting enough business even in the summer. Kids bring
their own little cups and water bottles. Committee Member Brettschneider asked who would run
it, who would stock the food and who is doing the inventory? I don't see it being viable.
Chairman Schutzer said you go to the turf field and you're in and out in an hour for a soccer
game. There is a lot more opportunity at Pine Ridge Park because it is a busy park.
Committee Member Carbone suggested carving out a little space without losing a parking space
and has a truck like Franks' Franks come in and see what business he does. We can give him a
schedule of games so he knows when the park would be busy.
Committee Member Dutra said he runs a concession stand selling hot dogs, soda, candy and
coffee on a Sunday for about 7 hours and he grosses about $1,000. Superintendent Bertolacci
said that when the concession stand was open during fall soccer he grossed about $350.
Committee Member Brettschneider said some of the high school kids wanted to form a
volleyball club and their request was denied by Principal Healy. The club wanted to do some co-
ed travel tournaments and the bussing gets to be a big money issue. One of the coaches
suggested going through the Rec Department and using the school gym once a week for practice.
There was a girl's volleyball program in the winter under Reek, and I thought maybe we could
do the same type of program.
Superintendent Bertolacci said there is no travel involved with the girl's varsity volleyball
program. Once you get involved with traveling, it's a liability issue.
Committee Member Brettschneider asked if there is any way to go through Rec where the kids
can sign up for the gym for an hour or so, or can we rent the gym.
Committee Member Funtlyder said you could probably rent the gym because the school just
made the fields available for rent.
Committee Member Brettschneider said he would talk again to Principal Healy and explain that
there would not be any traveling involved. Committee Member Brettschneider asked if this
doesn't work out with the school can we go through Rec. Superintendent Bertolacci said to put a
program in place, bring the proposal to him and he will review it.
Vii. New Business:
a. Men's Basketball (Number of Weeks)
Superintendent Bertolacci said there are two programs for men's basketball. The fall program
runs until February and then there is an 8 week program that runs until April. The attendance was
very low for the 8 week program. They would like to try and have one program from October to
April. Superintendent will combine the program in his budget for next year.
Committee Member Wohl asked if the kindergarten and 1St grade basketball girls and boys be
separate programs. The girls' aren't signing up because they don't want to play with the boys.
Superintendent said his concern is that we only have one gym. We can try having kindergarten
girls and 1St grade girls together and kindergarten and 1St grade boys together and see how the
number are.
VIII. Adjournment:
Chairman Schutter asked for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Committee Member
Brettschneider made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Committee Member Dutra seconded
the motion and all approved. The next Parks and Recreation Advisory Council will meet on
January 8, 2013 at 8:15pm.
The meeting adjourned at 10:00pm.
Minutes prepared by Carmella Swick