HomeMy WebLinkAbout2015-12-23 applicant cover memo Divney Tung Schwalbe, LLP Andrew V.Tung,ASLA, Esq., LEED AP D I V N EY • TUNG • SC H WALB E One North Broadway Gerhard M. Schwalbe, P.E. Intelligent Land Use White Plains, NY 10601 William J. Carey,Jr. P: 914.428.0010 Mark S. Gratz, P.E. F: 914.428.0017 Maria Coplit Alfaro, P.E. www.divneytungschwalbe.com Donna M. Maiello,ASLA, RLA Jason E. Bajor,ASLA, RIA Cosimo Reale, CPFSC Mark]. Shogren, P.E. Matthew N. Steinberg,AICP December 23, 2015 BY HAND &BY EMAIL: mnowak(&-ryebrook.org Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman, and Members of the Planning Board Village of Rye Brook 938 King Street Rye Brook,New York 10573 Re: Sun Homes (Phase 3 Reckson Executive Park) Application for Site Plan Approval (Premises: 1100 King Street; Section 129.25,Block 1,Lot 1) Dear Chairman Goodman and Members of the Planning Board: On behalf of Sun Homes, in furtherance of this pending Application,we respectfully submit this letter addressing comments and questions raised by Board Members and the Village's professional consultants. We have provided the following submission materials to the Village,with one set each forwarded directly to Dolph Rotfeld Engineering and FP Clark Associates: • Full-size plan set,revised December 23, 2015 (13 to Village, 1 to FPCA, 1 to DRE) • Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan,revised December 23, 2015 (2 to Village, 1 to FPCA, 1 to DRE) • Sheet SS-1.0 Slope Analysis,revised December 23, 2015 (13 to Village, 1 to FPCA, 1 to DRE) Response to FP Clark Associates Review Memorandum dated December 4, 2015 prepared by Marilyn Timpone Mohamed: Comment No. 2 - PUD Site Plan We continue to note that the overall site plan indicates that the extension oflnternational Drive through the Reckson Phase I and Phase 2 lots would include only one traffic lane in each direction. However, the approved site plans for the Phase I and 2 lots indicate a road that has two travel lanes in each direction. Therefore,pending review by the Building Inspector, amendments to the Phase I and Phase 2 site plans would be necessary to build the road extension shown on the proposed site plan. Response: Comment noted. As previously discussed, the current application does not change the alignment of the access road and only reduces the pavement width to one lane in each direction due to a reduction in anticipated traffic volumes. If a site plan amendment modifying the Reckson parcels is found necessary it can be submitted under a separate application. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 2 Comment No. 3 - Lighting Plan A photometric analysis of the exterior site lighting plan was provided. For reasons of safety we do not recommend the use of bollards to light vehicular roadways that also would be used by pedestrians at night as walkways. The lighting standards proposed for intersections should be used throughout the development for street lighting. The Applicant shouldprovidephotometric analysis of the uplightingproposed for the trees along the median of the extension oflnternational Drive.All lighting should be shielded to eliminate lateral glare and sky lighting. Response: Sheet SP-8.0, Site Lighting Plan has been updated to show proposed pole- mounted light fixtures along the extension of International Drive, at internal roadway intersections, and adjacent to visitor parking areas. A detail and photometric plan for the proposed pole-mounted lights and a cut sheet for the uplighting fixtures is shown on Sheet SP-8.0. The Applicant would like to fin-ther reduce lighting levels where possible to minimize the effects of glare and its possible undesirable effect to the residents of the project. As such the Applicant is requesting flexibility in the final lighting design for the site, to provide appropriate lighting levels consistent with the character of the adjacent developments that have minimal street lighting. At a minimum lighting will be provided at all road intersections and open parking areas. Comment No. 5 - Construction Phasing Plan A phasing plan for the 4 to 5 year construction period indicated in the EAF was submitted. The Applicant should coordinate the Phasing Plan with a draft construction management and logistics plan. Response: SP-5.2 Phasing Plan has been updated and is included in the SWPPP. Comment No. 6 -Wetlands The Applicant submitted a petition to the Board of Trustees to extend the approval of the current wetlands permit that will expire later in December.If it is necessary that the existing basins be modified or updated to become part of the new stormwater management plan, the new work within the existing wetland basins or the wetland buffers of the Blind Brook may rewire approval of a new or amended wetland permit. Response: On December 15, 2015 the Board of Trustees granted a five-year extension of the wetland permit. As previously discussed, the work approved within the wetland setback area of the Blind Brook is not affected by the proposed project. The Applicant will maintain the design and improvements as previously proposed; these were thoroughly reviewed by the Village and its consultants. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 3 Comment No. 7 - Grading Plan We continue to recommend that the creation of new steep slopes on the site should be minimized by utilization of retaining walls inhere appropriate.Existing steep slopes and natural vegetation should be preserved on the site to thegreatest extentpossible. The disturbance of existing steep slopes and the creation of new steep slopes on the property will rewire compliance with the Village Code regulations regarding steep slopes, and the approval of a Steep Slopes Work Permit. Cut and fill calculations for the site and analyses of the proposed regulated slopes on the property should be provided to the Planning Board when they review site andgrading plans for compliance with the requirements of a Steep Slopes Work Permit. Response: The design minimizes disturbance to steep slopes to the maximum extent practicable by utilizing retaining walls where needed and providing an extensive planting plan that will fully restore the site upon completion. As shown on SS-1.0 Slope Analysis, the existing steep slope disturbance has been estimated to be approximately 8.1 acres and after completion there will be approximately 8.3 acres. In comparison, the previously approved office building would have created 11.5 acres of steep slopes primarily due to the increase in excavated areas from the large parking area. A small retaining wall was added in the northeast corner of the site to allow for a reduction in excavation within the buffer adjacent to the Bellefair development. Walls have been added between the proposed development and Bellefair to reduce the amount of disturbance to the existing steep slopes and vegetated buffer. Comment No. 8 -Visual Impacts The removal of existing vegetation,grading of the lot and construction of the new homes may create visual impacts to views of the property from the surrounding residential neighborhoods of Bellefair and Doral Green.Every effort should be made to protect and preserve existing vegetation on the site and provide new screen plantings where necessary. Response: The Applicant concurs and will make efforts to maintain and improve the buffer areas. A note has been added to the landscape plan, Sheet SP-4.0, providing an assessment of the buffers in certain areas as follows, "The condition and health of existing trees in the woodland buffer shall be evaluated for long term survivability and safety by a certified arborist; healthy existing trees in the buffer areas will be identified and retained." Comment No. 9 - Guidelines for future renovations, home expansions, or additions The Applicant indicates that future renovations, expansions or additions to buildings in the development would not be allowed. The Applicant should clarify if sheds, enlarged patios, decks, installation of back-upgenerators, driveway expansions, and enlargement of the community recreation facility also would not be allowed in future. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALBE Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 4 Response: Given future homeowners may want to make some exterior adjustments in the future, the Applicant has accommodated for each unit up to 100 square feet of additional patio area in the rear of the units and up to 400 square feet of site disturbance. No changes to the exterior of the buildings however will be permitted. The storm drainage system has been sized to accommodate the addition of 11,000 sf of additional impervious area on the site Response to Dolph Rotfeld Engineering, PC Review, Memorandum dated December 8, 2015 Z Storvmwater Comment No. 1 It is our understanding that a more detailed, completed Storvmwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is being prepared in conformance with NY'SDEC General Permit GP-0-I5-002; the applicant has preliminarily indicated discharge rates to remain less than 76%of the predevelopvment rates and 68%Runoff Reduction Volume (RRv) to be achieved(30%min. required).However this office cannot fully verify this as the SWPPP is not yet complete. Response: Peak flow will remain below the 76% of pre-development conditions. After soil test updated Runoff Reduction calculation indicate 68% of the water quality is reduced. This does not include porous pavers located in fill sections. Comment No. 2 Storvmwater comments 2 through 7 froom our 11-3-I5 memo still apply,see attached copy. Response: The following responses are provided for items 2 through 7 in 11/3/15 comment letter: 2) Runoff calculations must utilize the newly adopted "Extreme Precipitation"rainfall depths compiled by Northeast Regional Climate Center(NRCC) and Natural Resources Conservation Service (MRCS). The calculations in the enclosed revised stormwater management report include rainfall depths from NRCC and NRCS 3) Complete RunoffReduction Volume (RRv) calculations must be included. Proposal provides for 70%reduction, however higher reduction values may be achievable, this should be considered and investigated. The RRv calculation included in the revised stormwater management report. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 5 4) The time of concentration calculation sheet in the report sloes not seem to agree with the time of concentration mapping;vouch more detail is required far review. The time of concentration and stormwater figures have been updated in the enclosed stormwater management report. 5) Pipe sizing calculations must be included in the report. The pipe sizing calculations have been included in the enclosed stormwater management report. 6) The report seems to indicate an outlet control structure for basin "C; however this could not be located on the plan as well as the overflow weir. The enclosed stormwater management report has been updated to include modification of Outlet Control C. 7) No calculations seem to be provided for sizing the proposed bioretention basins or vegetated swales. The sizing calculations have been provided in the enclosed stormwater management report for each RRV practice. H. Water Comment No. 1 United Water proposed improvements in support of this application roust be detailed.A hydraulic analysis roust be submitted demonstrating that surrounding properties will not experience pressure or flow issues as a result of the added demand on the system. We willgladly meet with the water company to discuss our thoughts on how to evaluate existing vs.proposed conditions. Response: The hydraulic analysis must be completed by United Water. 11r.Sewer Comment No. 1 Sewer main profiles should include the existing sewer extending to the County trunk line. Response: The sewer profile has been updated to include the existing sewer to the trunk sewer and is shown on Sheet No. SP-6.3 Sanitary Sewer Profiles. IV. Sediment&Erosion Control DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 6 Comment No. 1 The proposed Sediment&erosion Control Plan must be integrated with the proposed Phasing Plan so as to show the sequencing of BMP's such as the temporary sediment traps along with the construction phases.As shown the Phases do not include necessary disturbances for stornnvater BMP's that will be necessary far each building phase. Response: Sheet SP-5.2,Phasing Plan has been updated and is included in the SWPPP and includes construction of the temporary and permanent stormwater management measures. Comment No. 4 Design volumes babe not been providedfor the temporary sediment basins as previously noted. Response: Design volumes of the Sediment Basins are shown on the attached Sheet SP- 5.0 Erosion and Sediment Control Plan. Comment No. 6 It is noted that cut and fill calculations will be provided at a later date. Response: The updated phasing plans in the SWPPP include the cut and fill calculations by phase. V. Site Details Comment No. 1 As discussed in our meeting ofDecember 2nd,permeable pavement details should specify a'permeable paver system"and not just rely on common pavers spaced to allow permeability. Response: The permeable paver system has been clarified on the Detail No. 7 shown on Sheet SP-7.1. Comment No. 2 The plan should clearly indicate and differentiate where the "vehicular"pavers are to be used and where the permeable paver design will be utilized. Response: The attached revised Sheet SP-1.1,Site Layout Plan includes different patterns for the porous and standard pavers. Comment No. 3 Site Details Items 4 through 6 from our 11-3-15 memo still apply. Response: The following responses are provided for Items 4 through 6 in the 11/3/15 memo: DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 7 4)Ingeneral the plans are not coordinated with the detail sheets and do not indicate the location of the items shown such as, underdrains,stone swales, cobblestone orgranite curbs, aluminum edge, decomposed granite walks (mulch walking trail shown on plan),grass swales, etc. Plans and details have been updated to clarify locations (See Sheets SP-1.1, SP-7.1, SP-7.2 and SP-7.3). 5) Specific details must be provided for the bioretention ponds and outlet control structures; indicate pond elevations at various storm events. The outlet controls structures and ponding depths have been added to the enclosed revised stormwater management report. 6)A DOT permit will be required for any work proposed within the ROW at Ding Street such as secondary emergency access. The Applicant will apply for a highway work permit from NYSDOT for any work within the King Street ROW. Response to Michael J. Izzo, Building & Fire Inspector memorandum dated December 7, 2015 Comment No. 1 FCNTS 503.2.1. The minimum required unobstructed width ofafire apparatus access road is twenty (20)feet. The Fire Protection Plan includes a'part plan"in the upper right hand comer indicating the existing brick pillars to remain in place at the proposed emergency service access road at Ding Street.My field measurement confirmed the distance between the existing pillars is only 17.65 feet. Therefore the applicant must reconfigure or remove the existing brick pillars to provide a minimum unobstructed width of twenty (20)feet. Response: A note has been added to the plan (See Sheet SP-1.0, Overall Site Plan) to relocate one or both pillars to provide 20 feet clearance. Comment No. 2 The applicant shall provide crash bollards, installed as per FCNTS§312,spaced at least twenty (20) feet apart with chains across the emergency access road at the following locations; a.At the Ding Street entrance. b.At the transition from the emergency access road to the common parking lot. c.At the transition from the common parking lot to the interior emergency access road. d.At the intersection of the interior emergency access road and the Sun Homes development private street. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 8 Response: The emergency access gates have been added to the plans at the four entry locations (See Sheet SP-1.0, Overall Site Plan) Comment No. 3 The applicant shall provide approved signs identifying the emergency access road reading;NO PA UNG EMERGENCYVEHICLES ONLY, at the four(4) emergency access road intersections described in items 2. a, b, c, &d, above. Response: The emergency access gate detail has been revised to include the no parking signage (See Detail 8 on Sheet SP-7.3,Site Details) Comment No. 4 The applicant shall provide proposed topographic &construction drawings far the emergency access road showing compliance with FCNTS 503.2, 503.2.1, 503.2.3, and 503.2.7, to be reviewed and approved by the Building Department. Response: The elevations and dimensions of the emergency access road are shown on the attached Sheet SP-2.0. Comment No. 5 The applicant shall make provisions for perpetual maintenance of the emergency access road, including that portion of the existing parking lot now dedicated to such emergency access ingood repair, and shall maintain the entire thoroughfare free from leaves, branches, limbs, accumulated ice and snow &other debris at all times. The ESTF respectfully requests that language pertaining to such perpetual maintenance of the emergency access road&thoroughfare be included in the Final Approval Resolution. Response: The maintenance agreement for the emergency access road will be prepared and submitted to the Village prior to the start of construction. Comment No. 6 The applicant must relocate two (2)fire hydrants and install one (1) additional fire hydrant as per the attached ESTF Fire Hydrant Re-location Plan, dated 12/7/15 as initialed by me. Response: The hydrants have been relocated and are shown on the attached Sheet SP- 3.0. Comment No. 7 The applicant must provide the fire flow information for review &approval by the Village. Response: The anticipated fire flow for the units is approximately 750 gallons per minute. All buildings will be fully sprinklered. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 9 Comment No. 8 All interior roads are to be dedicated Fire Lanes in conformance with Village Code§240-22.A, and shall be indicated with signs posted in accordance with Village Code§240-22.C.(b), and§240-22.D. Response: Designated fire lane signage has been shown on the attached Sheet SP-1.1 and a detail is shown on SP-7.2. The applicant would like the opportunity to further review the location of signage with ESTF. Comment No. 9 Village Code§240-22.8.(1) rewires emergency access in the immediate vicinity of the proposed Clubhouse. The applicant is proposing public parking in this area. Therefore the applicant must reconfigure the proposed clubhous%lubhouse parking so as to comply with this section of code. Response: The parking in the front of the Clubhouse has been shifted providing a designated fire access area including signage and lane striping as shown on the plans. Comment No. 10 The applicant must subunit a street naming/numbering plan based on the attached recommended ESTF Road Plan, dated 1217115 as initialed by me.International Drive shall be used as the name of the main entrance roadway, and a code compliant street sign shall be provided for same at the intersection oflnternationalDrive&K-ing Street. Response: The street naming and unit numbering will be reviewed with the ESTF as part of the building permit review process. Comment No. 11 The applicant must-provide dimensioned,proposed rear building elevations for those buildings which back up on interior or perimeter storm water basins. The applicant must also show all proposed interior storm water retention basins(raingardens) and existing and proposed perimeter storm water retention basins and any proposed fencing of same at these building locations,showing adequate access and setbacks for rear yard Fire Departmentground ladder operations. Response: The final window and door locations will be further refined during the building permit review process. The plan will provide a separation from the rear of the building to the stormwater basins and/or fences of no less than 15 feet and in most cases 20 feet or more is available. The maximum height from the bottom of upper story window to the grade below is approximately 23 feet for walkout units and 14 feet for at grade units. A note has been added to the typical unit plan shown on the attached Sheet SP-4.1. DIVNEY • TUNG • SCHWALM Intelligent Land Use Mr. Robert Goodman, Chairman December 23, 2015 Re: Sun Homes Site Plan Application Page 10 Comment No. 12 The applicant must show &provide details for the relocated trash compacter and maintenance yard, which is currently located in the area of the proposed interior emergency access road and AFFH units. Response: A separate site plan application for the relocated trash enclosure and maintenance yard will be submitted by Reckson Associates since these improvements would be placed on separate parcels. We look forward to appearing before this Board as it continues its review of the Sun Homes Site Plan Application. Very truly yours, DIVNEY TUNG SCHWALBE,LLP Gerhard M. Schwalbe,P.E. Partner Enclosures