HomeMy WebLinkAbout2008-04-01 - Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes Village of Rye Brook
938 King Street
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
Meeting at 8:00 p.m.
1) #07-481 Ms. Laurie Kaufman
(Re Appearance)
249 Tree Top Lane
Partition off the existing garage to create a finished, heated storage
2) #08-518 Church of Our Lady of Mercy.
319 South Ridge Street
Construct an addition to the existing mausoleum and a new
maintenance garage
3) #08-516 Shelley Fidler& Meg Fidler Sigal
23 Churchill Road
Legalize existing side two-story addition at the north elevation
4) #08-514 Mr. Kenneth Tullipano
12 Osborne Place
Legalize existing detached, two-car garage
5) #08-517 Ms. Maria Rusciano
52 Hillcrest Avenue
Construct an addition and perform interior alterations to convert the
existing one-family house to a two-family dwelling
6) 908-510 Mrs. Phyllis Friedlander
(Re Appearance)
5 Magnolia Drive
Expand the existing driveway and off-street parking, and install a
new front walk
7) #08-508 Ms. Lillian Albrecht
27 Hillandale Road
Legalize the existing carport
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 1,2008
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8) #08-515 Mr. & Mrs. Eric Brittleman
28 Country Ridge Circle
Construct a new front porch
9) #08-512 Ms. Cheryl Benson
4 Deer Run
Remove and replace the existing wood deck
10) Approval of March 4, 2008 Zoning Board Summary
BOARD: Mark Harmon, Chairman
Salvatore Crescenzi
Joseph Pellino
Ronald Rettner
Michael Siegel
STAFF: Michael Izzo, Building Inspector
Fred Seifert, Public Access Coordinator
Paula Patafio, Meeting Secretary
Board of Trustee
Liaison: Trustee Dean Santon
Mr. Mark Harmon, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the April 1, 2008 meeting of the
Zoning Board of Appeals.
He called for the first matter on the agenda:
249 Tree Top Lane
Partition off the existing garage to create a finished, heated storage
Mr. Harmon noted the applicant, Ms. Kaufman, had requested an adjournment. It
was noted that this matter has been before the Board for several months. The
request for an adjournment was discussed between the Board members and it was
the consensus of the Board that the application be adjourned to the May 6, 2008
Zoning Board meeting.
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April 1,2008
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Mr. Harmon noted that this matter was previously referred to the Village's
Counsel for interpretation and assistance. In addition, a decision was
forwarded to counsel and the question asked was why the decision doesn't
give the Zoning Board the ability to provide some relief if that is the decision
of the Board. The Zoning Board is waiting for a response.
Mr. Harmon called for the second item on the agenda:
319 South Ridge Street
Construct an addition to the existing mausoleum and a new
maintenance garage
Daniel Laub, Esq., from the firm of Cuddy and Feder, and attorney Anthony
Gioffre addressed the Board as representatives for the applicant, Our Lady of
Mercy's Church and St. Mary's Cemetery.
Mr. Harmon noted that the Board received a letter from the Westchester County
Department of Planning. He asked if the applicant was aware of this letter, as the
purpose of the letter was to stop the Zoning Board from making a decision on this
matter at this evening's meeting. Mr. Laub noted that Westchester County
Planning Department received a referral on this proposal back in 2003. At that
time they had no comment. The applicant was very surprised by the letter and the
fact that they are now saying that they do not have the information that was
provided to them five (5) years ago.
Mr. Joseph Pellino noted that this matter has been before the Village's Planning
Board for sometime, and no recommendation has been made. Mr. Laub responded
that the plans have been revised in response to comments from the Village's
Planning Board.
Anthony Gioffre, Esq. noted that this matter is now before the Board of Trustees.
He stated that a call has been made to the Westchester County Planning Board in
regard to this matter, but the call has not yet been responded to. In 2003 a letter
was received from Edward Buroughs, ACP, Deputy Commissioner of
Westchester County Planning Board. The body of the letter addressed to
Marilyn Timpone Mohamed dated December 4, 2003 was read into the
record. It was noted that at that time there were no County or intermunicipal
planning concerns. Mr. Gioffre noted that the plan has been modified since 2003,
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but it has been modified to make the proposed construction a better fit. The
project has been scaled down, more mitigation has been proposed, and
architectural design features have been implemented. Mr. Gioffre noted that the
Rye Brook Planning Board has reviewed the application and has issued a
recommendation. Mr. Michael Izzo, Building Inspector, noted that the
recommendation was made to the Board of Trustees of the Village of Rye Brook.
Mr. Gioffre noted that the applicant would prefer that a decision be made tonight
by the Zoning Board as the matter was pending before the Board of Trustees. It
was noted that the Board of Trustees has final approval authority. Mr. Harmon
pointed out that members of the public were in attendance at the meeting, and the
public hearing would be opened in order to receive comments on the application.
He also noted that the Zoning Board could issue a determination, based upon
conditions placed on that approval. Mr. Harmon declared the public hearing
opened, and asked that the applicant make its presentation.
Mr. Laub noted that St. Mary's Cemetery is located off of High Street and Ridge
Street, with the means of ingress and egress located off of High Street. The
proposed addition to the mausoleum is in the corner of the property, off of Ridge
Street, near the 287 overpass bridge. The addition is approximately 700 square
feet in size, and would add approximately 1948 crypt spaces. Part of the proposed
improvements will be grading and landscaping. Mr. Laub presented the Board
with a factual rendering of what the building will look like once completed, and
noted that the variances being requested include a 2.4' height setback and a front
yard variance of 9'. When I287 was created certain property along South Ridge
Street was taken, and the State now owns a portion of the corner of the property
and a piece along the front of the existing mausoleum. The existing mausoleum is
2.2' off of the front yard and it was constructed and approved in 1971. The
original property that was taken for I287 was taken in 1957, and this moves the
property line inwards from the corner of the property. Therefore, the existing
mausoleum is non-conforming. In the approval in 1971 by the Town of Rye noted
the non-conforming portion of the building, and then granted approval. There
were three (3) phases of construction and each phase was granted a Certificate of
Mr. Laub noted that there is a significant amount of landscaping planned for this
project. The entrance to the mausoleum will still be through High Street. Coming
up South Ridge Street the new addition will not be visible. The lighting will be
shielded, and there would be no noise or lighting impacts. Mitigation has been
proposed, as has storm water management, and the applicant believes that the
proposed construction would not be a detriment to the surrounding neighborhood.
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Mr. Gioffre noted that the building will be set back 20' from the side walk. What
is being proposed would have been conforming were it not for the fact that
property line is not straight; it goes in and out on that proportion of the property
because of the taken that occurred when I287 was constructed. The proposed
addition lines up with the existing building. If the building was pulled back
further it would result in the loss of crypt spaces. At this time the cemetery is
filled to capacity. The number of crypts being proposed were decided upon using
the number of requests and inquiries that St. Mary's receives per year.
Mr. Gioffre noted that one of the key changes made to the plan was based upon
comments and recommendations by the Planning Board. Originally the fagade
was a flat facade. He presented the Board with artistic renderings of what the
building would look like after the chances. He pointed out that cutbacks were
added to soften the appearance of the addition. The frontage along South Ridge
Street is about 36' feet in width. The addition extends backwards and wraps
around the existing mausoleum. Landscaping has been proposed which will offer
screening to the residents. Mr. Gioffre noted that the Thruway Authority has been
positive about this project, and are willing to allow landscaping to be added on
their portion of the property.
Mr. Harmon noted that he had an opportunity to review the Planning Board's
recommendation as presented to him by Mr. Izzo. He noted that the Planning
Board has elicited and received comments from the Westchester County
Department of Planning. Mr. Harmon asked that the Planning Board's
resolution be made part of the Zoning Board of Appeal's meeting record.
Mr. Gioffre noted that the landscaping proposed will wrap around the building to
screen the proposed construction. He also noted that this is the only space left for
Mr. Harmon called for members of the public wishing to be heard in support or
opposition to the application.
Mr. Harmon stated that a letter was submitted from a Brookridge resident in
opposition to the application. The resident, who was in attendance, addressed the
Board. He noted that the changes that are being proposed are easily seen by the
residents who live across the street. The mausoleum has been hemmed in by the
thruway, the existing mausoleum, and the balance of the cemetery. The taxpayers
and owners of the properties on the other side of the street will have a dramatic
effect on their quality of life. This building will have a noise impact in the form of
echoing, as well as visual impacts. Another impact is the blockage of sunlight by
the height of the building. The building is being pushed forward eleven feet, and
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the proposed landscaping is being depicted as full grown trees which will not be
the case for many years. The applicant is has noted that certain matters will not
have an effect, but they have not study the possible effects.
Another Brookridge resident questioned the construction of the new maintenance
garage. Mr. Harmon noted that the garage does not require a variance.
Dean Santon, Hillendale Road, addressed the Board as a resident of the Village.
He noted that he was not before the Zoning Board either for or against the
application. He stated that an application was before the Board of Trustees five
(5) years ago. The public hearing has not occurred at the Board of Trustee level
and the Board of Trustees is the Lead Agency. The applicant has requested an
adjournment of public hearing that was scheduled by the Board of Trustees.
Mr. Harmon turned to the Board for questions and comments.
Mr. Joseph Pellino noted that it is important for everyone to understand the history
of this cemetery. This once was a much larger track then currently exists today.
The State exercised its eminent domain rights and a fairly substantial track of land
when I287 was being constructed. The cemetery property was not divided by the
thruway and in the early 1990's the parcel on the opposite side of the thruway was
sold to a developer. Mr. Pellino questioned whether or not there was any property
left on High Street that could be purchased by the Church. Mr. Laub noted that
the former United Hospital property was sold at an auction after the hospital went
bankrupt. The applicant contacted the new owners and they are in the midst of a
project. New York State has also been contacted, but it is very difficult to
purchase State owned land. There is no guarantee that the State will ever sell its
Mr. Laub noted that the location for the proposed construction was chosen because
it is the logical location for the addition. Mr. Gioffre noted that the applicant was
willing to increase the landscaping in the front of the mausoleum. It was noted
that the existing mausoleum is landscaped with trees that are now over ten years
Mr. Gioffre reiterated that the applicant believes that the proposed addition will
have a minimal impact.
Mr. Harmon closed the public portion of the hearing. He noted that the Zoning
Board would be seeking clarification in connection with the existing non-
conformities. He noted that if the applicant had to come back to the Zoning Board
for the variances required that the additional 30 day wait would create a hardship
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for the applicant. The Board discussed the matter and the consensus of the Board
was to adjourn the matter to the May 6, 2008 Zoning Board of Appeals meeting.
Mr. Harmon requested that the applicant supply the Board with additional
information regarding sound issues that the new construction would cause.
Mr. Harmon called for item #3 on the agenda:
23 Churchill Road
Legalize existing side two-story addition at the north elevation
Mr. Harmon noted that the firm that he works for was of-counsel to the applicant's
father many years ago. There is no affiliation now and, therefore, he saw no
reason to recuse himself from deliberating on this application. The Board agreed.
Daniel Laub, Esq., of the firm of Cuddy & Feder, addressed the Board as the legal
counsel for the applicant. He noted that there is an existing two-story residence
originally built in 1953. In 1959 an addition was built and a Certificate of
Occupancy was issued. It has now been discovered that the addition required
variances at the time of construction but none were sought or granted. There are
no changes or construction needed. This is simply a legalization of what was done
now that they are trying to sell the home.
Mr. Harmon called for members of the public wishing to be heard in support or
opposition to the application. There being no one, he turned to the Board
members for questions and comments. Mr. Pellino asked if contact was made to
the Town of Rye to see if the Certificate of Occupancy and variances granted
could be located. Mr. Izzo noted that there was a search and nothing was found.
Mr. Laub noted his office conducted also conducted a search and found nothing.
Mr. Izzo noted that there was no Certificate of Occupancy was issued for the 1959
Mr. Harmon noted that the public portion of the hearing was closed. The Board
briefly discussed the application and Mr. Harmon prepared the following
resolution, which was read into the record:
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April 1,2008
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WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board by
Ms. Shelley Fidler and Ms. Meg Fidler Sigal for a 3' side yard setback and a 4.5'
total of two side yards setback variances, in connection with the proposed
legalization of the existing side two-story additional at the north elevation, on
property located at 23 Churchill Road in an R-15 District, on the east side of
Churchill Road, 120 feet from the intersection of Winding Wood Road South and
Churchill Road. Said premises being known and designated on the tax map of the
Village of Rye Brook as Section: 135.26, Block: 1, Lot: 11.
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on April 1, 2008, at
which time all those wishing to be heard were given such opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application and after viewing the
premises and neighborhood concerned, finds:
1) A building permit was issued for the construction of the addition at the end
of construction;
2) The requested variance will not adversely impact the surrounding
neighborhood; and
3) Applicant has voluntarily brought this matter to the attention of the Village.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is
hereby granted.
Dated: April 1, 2008
Mark Harmon, Chairman
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April 1,2008
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12 Osborne Place
Legalize existing detached, two-car garage
Attorney Joseph Vita addressed the Board. He noted that the home was
constructed in 1954 and purchased by Mr. Tullipano's parents in 1964. A rear
two-car garage was constructed at that time. At this time the applicant is trying to
sell the home and the garage must be legalized. It was noted that the applicant has
brought this matter to the attention of the Village. Attorney Vita stated that years
ago banks and title companies were not as diligent as they are today in terms of
searching out any violations of record. Within the last ten to fifteen years there
has been much more stringent requirements. The records today are much more
accurate and complete; however, years ago they were not as well kept.
Mr. Harmon called for members of the public wishing to address the application in
support or opposition. There being no comments, he turned to the Board members
for their comments and questions.
Mr. Pellino noted that he was familiar with the property and did not see a problem
with granting the variance.
Mr. Izzo noted that the permit that was granted for the construction of the garage
was issued on October 6, 1954. The Zoning Code that changed the setbacks was
adopted 30 days prior to that date, in the beginning of September 1954. For
whatever reason, the permit was granted under the old Code.
Mr. Harmon closed the public portion of the meeting. The Board prepared a
resolution on this matter and once complete Mr. Harmon read the resolution.
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WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board by
Mr. Kenneth Tullipano for a 2.5' side yard setback and a 2.2' rear yard setback
variances, in connection with the proposed legalization of the existing detached,
two-car garage, on property located at 12 Osborne Place in an R-2F District on the
south side of Osborne Place, 55 feet from the intersection of Osborne Place and
Osborne Place. Said premises being known and designated on the tax map of the
Village of Rye Brook as Section: 141.28, Block: 1, Lot: 22.
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on April 1, 2008, at
which time all those wishing to be heard were given such opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application and after viewing the
premises and neighborhood concerned, finds:
1) A building permit was issued for the structure;
2) The structure has been in existence for more than 50 years and does not
adversely effect the neighborhood concerned; and
3) It appears this matter was not raiser earlier through no fault of the applicant.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is
hereby granted.
Dated: April 1, 2008
Mark Harmon, Chairman
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(Re Appearance)
5 Magnolia Drive
Expand the existing driveway and off-street parking, and install a
new front walk
Mr. Harmon reminded everyone that he had recused himself from this application
at the prior meeting. Mr. Pellino, Acting Chairman, called for the presentation on
this application.
Mr. Izzo reminded the Board that this was a continuation of a public hearing.
Mr. John Scarlato, architect for the applicant, addressed the Board. He noted that
the plans have been amended. The concept of parking the cars further back was
removed and the driveway was only increased by 11" so that cars can be pulled
back far enough to be able to exit the driveway a little easier. The front walkway
was removed and the driveway was widened. Now two cars can park.
Mr. Izzo noted that the Village's Engineer must review the application and the
permit will not be issued unless he is satisfied with the storm water control.
Mr. Pellino called for members of the public wishing to address the application in
support or opposition. There being no one wishing to address the matter, and no
comments from the Board, the public hearing was closed.
The Board prepared the resolution, and Mr. Pellino read it into the record:
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WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board by
Mrs. Phyllis Friedlander for a 110' variance in the impervious surface coverage
request and side yard setback of 18" to accommodate parking, in connection with
the proposed expansion of the existing driveway and off-street parking, on
property located at 5 Magnolia Drive in an R-15 District on the north side of
Magnolia Drive, 317 feet from the intersection of King Street and Magnolia Drive.
Said premises being known and designated on the tax map of the Village of Rye
Brook as Section: 130.77, Block: 1, Lot: 33.
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on March 4, 2008
and continued to April 1, 2008, at which time all those wishing to be heard were
given such opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application and after viewing the
premises and neighborhood concerned, finds:
1) The applicant has made significant changes to his plans to reduce the
impervious surface variance request; and
2) The variances will not adversely impact the neighborhood. .
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is
hereby granted on the following condition:
1) Construction shall begin within one year of the approval of these variances.
Dated: April 1, 2008
Joseph Pellino, Acting Chairman
Mark Harmon, Chairman - recused
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April 1,2008
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05) #08-517 MS. MARIA RUSCIANO
52 Hillcrest Avenue
Construct an addition and perform interior alterations to convert the
existing one-family house to a two-family dwelling
Mr. Harmon stated that he recalled this matter from a previous Zoning Board of
Appeals meeting and asked if anyone knew what the outcome was. Mr. Izzo,
Building Inspector, stated that in 2007 an application was presented to the
Planning Board and the Zoning Board of Appeals. Both Boards denied the
application. The applicant went back to the drawing board and has now submitted
a new application in its entirety. Although the applicant is seeking the same
results, the scope of work is entirely different.
Mr. Harmon asked for a copy of the meeting summary from the 2007 meeting, and
a review of the Planning Board summary and recommendation. Mr. Scarlato
noted that Marilyn Timpone Mohamed, Village Planning Consultant, reviewed the
application by going through the old and then the new at a recent Planning Board
meeting. Mr. Izzo stated that the Planning Board approved the application
pending the granting of the variances by the Zoning Board of Appeals in 2007.
However, the Zoning Board did not grant the variances.
Mr. John Scarlato, architect, noted that he did not represent the applicant during
the first submission, however, he was at the meeting where the discussion about
the project took place. The applicant is looking to take a one-family home and
make it into a two-family home.
Mr. Harmon asked that Mr. Scarlato show the differences between this project and
the previous project. Mr. Scarlato noted that the first submission was for the
creation of a duplex house, which required the addition of another full unit. The
existing home is a small two bedroom house, located on a corner lot — which
means it has two front yards. The addition being proposed at this time is a much
smaller addition which lines up with the existing side of the house. There is one
entry in the front for the first unit and one entry in the rear for the second unit.
The existing side door which will access the first unit will remain. Mr. Scarlato
noted that architecturally the front of the house does not change. It was also noted
that the garage is 12' away from the house, as required by the Village's Code.
The first variance required is a result of the applicant's request to change the home
from a one-family home to a two-family home. This is a two-family residential
zone; however, any change to the outside of the home requires a variance. A
second variance is needed because the first apartment does not have access to the
rear yard. It was noted that windows are considered a means access.
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Mr. Izzo clarified this situation for the Board. He noted that section 250-25 L(2)c
of the Village's Code addresses the matter of ingress and egress to a two-family
home. It states that "....any dwelling may be converted to use by more than one
family provided that all of the following standards are met and maintained." One
of those standards reads, "service access from the rear yard of the building is
provided for each apartment." Mr. Harmon asked for clarification of a service
access. Mr. Izzo noted that his interpretation is that each apartment must have
some sort of access from the rear yard, without having to go through the other
Mr. Scarlato noted that this is a 50' x 100' lot, located in an R-2 Zone. There is no
issue with parking, and the garage will remain. Additional landscaping has been
proposed. It was noted that the existing house is non-conforming in connection
with the front yard setback. Mr. Izzo agreed, noting that the plane of the
foundation is not moving forward. The increase is based on the fact that the front
yard is non-conforming. The proposed addition will be aligned with an existing
non-conformity. It is being extended to make the house 25' wider. If this was not
a corner lot there would be a lesser sized variance required.
Mr. Scarlato continued his presentation, noting that the impervious surface
coverage was being increased, and the proposed addition brings the home over the
maximum gross floor area by 167 square feet. All of the proposed construction is
being done to create the second apartment. Each dwelling must have a minimum
dimension of 20', and 728' square feet that is considered living space. There is
also a requirement for useable open space for the purposes of recreation. These
numbers are based upon each dwelling unit. There are no issues with lot coverage
but rather open usable space; 1024 square feet of green space exists. Basically
there is a 10' by 30' strip of open space on this property.
Mr. Izzo presented the Board with the resolution from the prior meeting (2007). It
was noted that at that time the applicant failed to demonstrate that the property
cannot be used in its present condition. Mr. Harmon noted that this question
remains unanswered. He asked why the home could not be enlarged as a one-
family home.
Mr. Rettner stated that he had several issues with this application, and the series of
variances that were required was one of them.
The consensus of the Board was that the application required substantial variances.
The applicant was offered an adjournment in order clarify issues raised at this
meeting, and to attempt to minimize the number of variances required.
Mr. Harmon noted that there are a lot of confusing issues connected to this
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application and all five members of the Board had questions that need to be
answered before the application could go any further. There are just too many
variances being requested. Although sympathetic to the fact that this is a small
house, it was felt that an addition to enlarge the one family home would be more
appropriate. The applicant accepted an adjournment to the May meeting of the
Zoning Board of Appeals.
Mr. Harmon called for item #7 on the agenda:
27 Hillandale Road
Legalize the existing carport.
John Scarlato, architect, addressed the Board. He noted that an application to
remove and replace an existing carport that was in need of repair was before the
Board several months. The carport had been in existence for many years. The
variances were granted the carport was reconstructed, pulling it back 1' further
from the property line then what had existed. The problem occurred when
reviewing the surveys. There are now three surveys with three different setbacks.
Mr. Izzo reiterated that an application was before the Zoning Board of Appeals to
reconstruct the existing carport that had been there since the 1940's. The
application was based on a survey of the property from 1966 which reflected a
3.0' existing side yard setback. Mr. Scarlato shrunk the carport and made it 4.0'
from the property. A second survey (an as-built survey) showed that the 1966
survey was incorrect. And a third survey shows the first two surveys as incorrect.
All three surveys were done by the same company, with the final survey having
dated July 26, 2007. Mr. Izzo noted that the distance from the carport to the
property line varies from 3" to 4'. At this time no one is sure which survey is
It was noted that the adjacent property is up the grade from the applicant's
property. There is sufficient screening of the carport, and the most effected
neighbor is in support of the application.
It was also noted that the building permit and variances were approved based on
the existing 1966 survey that was used for the site plan. The real problem at this
time is trying to find out where the structure is and where the property line really
is. Mr. Pellino felt that the initial variances that were granted were no longer valid
because of the issue now before the Board. Mr. Izzo noted that the structure was
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built exactly as depicted on the plans drawn up by Mr. Scarlato. The plan called
for a carport to be "x" amount of feet wide and that was built.
Mr. Izzo recommended that another survey, done by a different company, be
completed to clarify all of the outstanding questions. The structure was built in
conformance with the plans, and the only way to settle this matter would be to get
a second opinion. The Board members agreed with Mr. Izzo and offered the
applicant an adjournment to the May 6, 2008 meeting of the Zoning Board of
Appeals. Mr. Scarlato accepted the adjournment and thanked the Board for its
Mr. Harmon called for item #8 on the agenda:
28 Country Ridge Circle
Construct a new front porch
Mr. John Scarlato, architect, addressed the Board. He noted that the applicant just
purchased the home and they are looking to change the look of the house. It was
noted that there is an existing two-story portico. The applicant is looking to cut
down the roof of the portico to make it lower, and extend it creating a front porch
in the front of the dining room. In order to accomplish this, a front yard setback
variance is required. The porch will not come out any further than the existing
stoop. The Village's Code requires a 40' front yard setback, and currently there is
33.5', which means that the existing home is non-conforming. The maximum
height setback ratio is 2.6', and the existing gable is already violating it. This non-
conformity will be reduced. The second variance required is for lot coverage. The
code allows 16% and the main house already covers 17.1%. The covered porch
will increase this nonconformity to 18.1%.
Mr. Harmon called for members of the public wishing to address this application
in either support or opposition. There being no one, he turned to the Board for
comments and questions. Mr. Harmon pointed out that the application also
included the extension of the porch, which extends the non-conformity. This
extension brings the front of the house closer to the street. It was noted that the
porch will be 8' x 28'.
The Board felt that the variances could be reduced and asked the applicant to
consider ways to reduce them. In order to accomplish the review, the Board
granted the applicant an adjournment to May 6, 2008.
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9) #08-512 MS. CHERYL BENSON
4 Deer Run
Remove and replace the existing wood deck.
Mr. Donald LeBlanc, the contractor for the applicant, addressed the Board. He
began by noting that there is an existing deck in the rear of the home. The deck
extends along the side of the house to allow for access from the kitchen area.
However, the deck near the kitchen is only approximately 1' in width and is really
not usable. A heavier set person cannot fit in order to gain access to the main
portion of the deck. The portion of the deck along the side of the home will be
permanently removed, and the deck to the rear of the home will be widened. It
was noted that a letter was received from the adjacent neighbor requesting that
additional landscaping be installed. The letter was made part of the record. It
was noted that there was a good amount of mature vegetation already in place and
because of the topography of the property the deck is not really visible to the
neighbors. As the stairway would be visible the applicant agreed to plant one or
two trees in that area.
Mr. Izzo, Building Inspector, noted that the original deck was built when the house
was originally constructed. The deck to the side of the home is unusable and the
remaining portion of the deck is small. The applicant addressed the Board, noting
that she has lived in this house since it was built. The deck was never really
usable and they are simply trying to make a space where they can sit outside. The
rear yard is unusable as it is almost always wet, there are swales, and it slopes
Mr. Harmon called for members of the public in support or opposition to the
application, and for questions and comments from the Board.
Mr. Ronald Rettner asked, as requested by the neighbor, that additional
landscaping be added. Mr. LeBlanc noted that from the vantage point of the
existing deck the only portion that will be visible to the neighbor will be the stairs
and the applicant has agreed to plant a few trees in that area. Mr. LeBlanc also
noted that the neighbor's view of the applicant's house will not change. The
applicant's property is 6' below the elevation of the neighbor's property. The
elevation of the deck 9'6" and at the far corner, because the property slopes
downward, it is 11'9". It was noted that currently the square footage of the
existing deck is 432 square feet. The new deck will be 444 square feet. A
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 1,2008
Page 20
variance of 9'6" is required for the rear yard setback. The second variance is for
the allowable maximum coverage for a deck as 4% is allowed under the Village's
Code. The applicant is requesting a variance for .015%. It was noted that neither
variance is substantial, the size of the deck has been scaled back, and the portion
of the deck on the side of the home will be removed.
The public portion of the hearing was closed and the Board discussed the
variances. The Board felt that it would be a good idea to view the property prior
to making a decision. The applicant will review the size of the proposed deck and
come back to the Zoning Board with an explanation of why the size of the deck
cannot be reduced. This matter was adjourned to the next Zoning Board meeting
in May.
The summary was approved as submitted.
There being no further business before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
11:11 P.M.
Zoning Board of Appeals
April 1,2008
Page 21