HomeMy WebLinkAbout2010-06-01 - Zoning Board of Appeals Meeting Minutes Village of Rye Brook
938 King Street
June 1, 2010
Meeting at 8:00 p.m.
24 Rye Ridge Plaza
Install two 17.34 square foot monument signs at the Bowman
Avenue elevation
9 Eagles Bluff
Construct a one-story side addition, a one-story front addition, a new
front porch, and perform interior alterations
1 Wilton Road
Construct a new front portico
BOARD: Don Moscato, Chairman
Michele Fredman
Andrew Kaminsky
Joel Simon
Excused: Steve Berger
STAFF: Michael Izzo, Building Inspector
Amanda Kandel, Esq., Village Counsel
Fred Seifert, Public Access Coordinator
Paula Patafio, Meeting Secretary
Board of Trustees
Liaison: Jeffrey Rednick
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
Mr. Don Moscato, Chairman, welcomed everyone to the June 1, 2010 Zoning Board of
Appeals meeting. He introduced Village Staff and Counsel, and noted that Steve Berger
was excused from the meeting. As a result of Mr. Berger's absence, Mr. Moscato offered
each of the applicants the opportunity to adjourn to another meeting when there would be
a full compliment of the Board. The alternative was to move forward with the
understanding that they would need three (3) aye votes in order for their variances to be
Mr. Moscato called for the first item on the agenda:
24 Rye Ridge Plaza
Install two 17.34 square foot monument signs at the Bowman
Avenue elevation.
Steven Silverberg, Esq., of the firm of Silverberg Zalantis, addressed the Board as
the applicant's counsel. He requested that his application be moved forward and
he began his presentation by reviewing the outstanding legal issues in connection
with the applicant's request for approval of the installation of three (3) monument
Mr. Silverberg pointed out that there were two different properties and that the lots
were very large. The Village ordinance provides for one sign per lot. The Village
Building Inspector has made his determination. At this time the applicant requires
a variance in order to construct the signs requested. The applicant feels that it
meets all of the criteria in order for the variances to be granted. The signs are
needed for safety purposes, and it is beneficial to the tenants in the center and
plaza to designate who is at what address. The signs will not impact the character
of the neighborhood.
Mr. Peter Stahl of Win Ridge Realty addressed the Board. He showed the
members of the Board a rendering of what the signs would look like. The existing
sign will be removed and signs with the addresses will be installed. Mr. Stahl
showed the Board where the proposed signs would be installed on the lots; at the
three (3) driveway entrances on Bowman Avenue.
Mr. Don Moscato, Chairman, asked for clarification from the Building Inspector.
Mr. Michael Izzo, Building Inspector, noted that there were questions regarding
the size of the signs. It was determined that the second variance for total square
footage of signage was not needed. He noted that the applicant is reducing the
non-conformity by removing the existing free-standing sign. According to review
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
and clarification, only one variance is required. The Village's Code calls for one
sign only per street frontage, and addresses the amount of street frontage versus
how many lots there are. The determination from the Building Department was
that two (2) of the signs require a variance.
Mr. Moscato called for members of the public wishing to address the Board in
support or opposition. There being no one, and no further comments from the
Board, he called for a motion to close the public hearing.
On a motion made by Michele Fredman, and seconded by Andrew Kaminsky, the
public hearing was closed and the Board began its deliberation.
The consensus of the Board was that the signs would answer a safety issue. Many
patrons drive around looking for specific stores. The signs will direct patrons to
the correct section of the Center or Plaza. The goal is to stop cars from slowing
down on Bowman Avenue, trying to decide where to turn, especially during the
high traffic school opening and dismissal hours.
It was noted that the proposed signs are 52" tall, and made of punched plastic.
The letters that say Rye Ridge Plaza are 4 '/2" in height. Two of the signs are lit
from within, and only the letters glow. It was also noted that the signs will go
before the Architectural Review Board for approval.
Mr. Moscato read the following resolution:
WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board of Appeals by
Win Ridge Realty for a variance from Section 250 Attachment 2:Ld to install two
additional free standing signs on the Bowman Avenue frontage when only one is
allowed, on property located at Rye Ridge Shopping Center in a C1-P District on
the south side of Bowman Avenue, approximately 500 feet from the intersection
of South Ridge Street and Bowman Avenue. Said premises being known and
designated on the tax map of the Village of Rye Brook as Section: 141.27, Block:
1, Lot: 6; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on April 6, 2010
and continued to June 1, 2010 at which time all those wishing to be heard were
given such opportunity; and
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
WHEREAS, the proposed action is a Type II action pursuant to the New
York State Environmental Quality Review Act and, accordingly, no further
environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application, after viewing the premises
and neighborhood concerned, and upon considering each of the factors set forth at
Section 250-13(G)(b)[2][a]-[e] of the Rye Brook Code, finds:
1) That an undesirable change will not be produced in the character of
the neighborhood or a detriment to the nearby property;
2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some
other method, feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area
variance; and
3) The requested variance is substantial but the Shopping Center covers
two (2) lots and a larger frontage than most other business in the
area: and
4) The proposed variance will not have an adverse effect or impact on
the physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or
district; and
5) The alleged difficulty was self-created.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is
hereby granted.
DATED: June 1, 2010
Donald Moscato, Chairman
Mr. Moscato called the roll:
Andrew Kaminsky Voting Aye
Michele Fredman Voting Aye
Joel Simon Voting Aye
Don Moscato Voting Aye
The resolution was approved on a vote of four ayes to zero nayes.
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
9 Eagles Bluff
Construct a one-story side addition, a one-story front
addition, a new front porch, and perform interior alterations
Michele Fredman recused herself, noting that she is the adjacent property
Tim Wetmore, architect, of Wetmore Associates LLC of Westport,
Connecticut, addressed the Board. He noted that the applicant was seeking
(2) two variances for additions to this spilt style home. The applicants
propose to construct a front porch and two (2) small additions related to the
kitchen renovation. The minimum required total of two side yards setback
is 40 feet. The proposed side addition will result in a total of two side yards
setback of 32 feet. Therefore, a total of two side yards setback variance of
8 feet is requested. In addition, it was noted that the maximum allowable
Gross Floor Area (GFA) is 3,223 square feet. The applicants' non-
conforming GFA is 3, 710 square feet. The proposed construction will
result in a GFA of 3,827 square feet. Therefore, a GFA variance of 604
square feet is requested. It was noted that an addition was constructed on
this home in 2002. There is a Certificate of Occupancy for the prior work.
Also noted was the existence of an easement on the opposite side of the
Mr. Wetmore noted that there are five properties in the area that have larger
floor areas then this house. The additions to this home do not affect the
character of the neighborhood. It was also noted that the original plans
were scaled back significantly.
Mr. Moscato called for members of the public wishing to address the
Board. There being none, he called for a motion to close the public
On a motion made by Andrew Kaminsky, and seconded by Joel Simon, the
public hearing was closed and the Board began its deliberation.
The Board discussed storm water runoff. Mr. Wetmore noted that a sub-
surface drain could be provided which would result in zero additional
runoff from the property.
Mr. Moscato read the following resolution:
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board of Appeals by
Mr. David S. Brady and Ms. Brite Wistinghausen for a 604 square foot GFA
variance and an 8 foot total of two side yards setback variance in connection with
the proposed construction of a one-story side addition, a one-story front addition,
and a new front porch and interior alterations, on property located at 9 Eagles
Bluff, in an R-15 zoning district on the east side of Eagles Bluff, 500 feet from the
intersection of Meadowlark Road and Eagles Bluff. Said premises being known
and designated on the tax map of the Village of Rye Brook as Section: 135.27-1-
41; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on June 1, 2010 at
which time all those wishing to be heard were given such opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the proposed action is a Type II action pursuant to the New
York State Environmental Quality Review Act and, accordingly, no further
environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application, after viewing the premises
and neighborhood concerned, and upon considering each of the factors set forth at
Section 250-13(G)(b)[2][a]-[e] of the Rye Brook Code, finds:
1) The variances will not create an undesirable change to the character of the
neighborhood or a detriment to nearby properties; and
2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some other
method, feasible for the applicant to pursue other than the area variances;
3) The requested variances are substantial; and
4) The proposed variances will not have an adverse impact on the physical or
environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and
5) The alleged difficulty was self-created.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is
hereby granted.
DATED: June 1, 2010
Donald Moscato, Chairman
Mr. Moscato called the roll:
Michele Fredman Abstained
Andrew Kaminsky Voting Aye
Joel Simon Voting Aye
Don Moscato Voting Aye
The resolution was approved on a vote of three ayes to zero nayes.
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
1 Wilton Road
Construct a new front portico
John Scarlata, Jr., architect, addressed the Board. He noted that the minimum
required front yard setback is 30 feet. The proposed new front portico will result
in a front yard setback of 28.7 feet. Therefore, a 1.3 foot front yard setback
variance will be required. The applicant is looking to move the front door to the
front of the home.
Mr. Moscato called for members of the public wishing to address the Board in
support or opposition. There being no one, he called for a motion to close the
public hearing. On a motion made by Mr. Kaminsky, and seconded by
Ms. Fredman, the public hearing was closed and the Board began to deliberate.
Mr. Moscato noted that this was the smallest request for a variance ever before
the Board. The consensus of the Board was to approve the request.
Mr. Moscato read the following resolution:
WHEREAS, application has been made to the Zoning Board of Appeals by
Mr. Arthur A. Hastings for a 1.3 foot front yard setback area variance in
connection with the proposed construction of a new front portico, on property
located at 1 Wilton Road, in an R-10 zoning district on the west side of Wilton
Road, 163 feet from the intersection of Beacon Lane and Wilton Road. Said
premises being known and designated on the tax map of the Village of Rye Brook
as Parcel ID: 135.58-1-13; and
WHEREAS, a duly advertised public hearing was held on June 1, 2010 at
which time all those wishing to be heard were given such opportunity; and
WHEREAS, the proposed action is a Type II action pursuant to the New
York State Environmental Quality Review Act and, accordingly, no further
environmental review is required; and
WHEREAS, the Board, from the application, after viewing the premises
and neighborhood concerned, and upon considering each of the factors set forth at
Section 250-13(G)(b)[2][a]-[e] of the Rye Brook Code, finds:
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
1) An undesirable change to the character of the neighborhood or a detriment to
nearby properties will not be created by the granting of the variance; and
2) The benefit sought by the applicant cannot be achieved by some other method,
feasible for the applicant to pursue, other than an area variance; and
3) The requested area variance is not substantial; and
4) The proposed variance will not have an adverse effect or impact on the
physical or environmental conditions in the neighborhood or district; and
5) The alleged difficulty was self-created.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the said application is hereby
DATED: April 6, 2010
Donald Moscato, Chairman
Mr. Moscato called the roll:
Steven Berger Voting Aye
Salvatore Crescenzi Voting Aye
Michele Fredman Voting Aye
Don Moscato Voting Aye
The resolution was approved on a vote of four ayes to zero nayes.
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010
Mr. Mocato called for comments from the Board. It was noted that amendments
have been submitted. On a motion made by Ms. Fredman, and seconded by
Mr. Kaminsky, the summary was approved as amended.
Mr. Moscato noted that one final item not listed on the agenda was the discussion of the
rules and procedures of the Zoning Board of Appeals. Counsel has now reviewed the
proposed procedures and will email recommendations to the Board. A discussion can be
held at the July meeting of the Zoning Board, however, as Ms. Fredman, the author of the
document, will be absent from the July meeting, no vote will take place at that time.
Ms. Fredman suggested that recusal rules be added to the procedures.
There being no further business before the Board, Mr. Moscato called for a motion to
adjourn. Ms. Fredman made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Mr. Kaminsky.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55 p.m.
Zoning Board of Appeals
June 1,2010