280 S. D. 5 STCHT.STER -COUT71"IT DEPARTMIT of HEALTH T.i11iaM A. Holla.9 t1. Do ) Commissioner White P 1P in 5 11. Y, LO.B J156 PER72IT TO PROVIDE A SE7AGE DISPOSAL SYSTEr1 Application havin? hf:en duly msde. to the County Corimissi oner of I'ealth -s required by Article TI of the Seinitary Code or the li!estchester County Health District, I�errlission is hereh�� g_ven to o 8 , �'o che..stolr. New Yo*_f cr the construction or pror.r-.on of e sevare d snoo 1 s�,rctFm consist, of 600 Lzn11QR M _, s ptic tank and )20 linear feet of .� 2 n {n a s ion tre rich to serve 21 Lincoln Avenues Town of Rye,, N©w Yorks, 1bx. curerx - I nersons) - i - - sub`ect to the follo�-�i nkr conditions: I. That thil s department sliall receive due notif i c14tion and be afforded an opportunity to �.nsrr;ct tl,e sirstets before anir portion is backfilled or covered. IT That this system shall not be used until the written final anynrovsl thereof shall ha-,re been obtained from the Dept-rtnent of Health. =T* _.That :such sevrage disposal system shall be constructed in complete c c-Nn— formity with the anrlication data and plans as approlred or vith annroved amend- ments thereto. Anv c},.a nres in this' crrstem must be annroved. IV. lhcat such system shall receive onl;r the sev►sfe or viastes from the structures or premises covered blp, this nernit. V. That such sisters shall be so rreinta lned vnd operated ss not to expose seva Fre or sludge, or create a condition of nuisance. VI. That this hermit shall not be construed to in-Jrr,l .date any- rule--oi -r-ei~~1-- lati.cn enforceable by any local viithcr-t-r havini, jur-rdiction. VIT. Thrct all dull► enacted miles and ref:illations for the rrotect:`Lon of vtl ter supplies shall be complied ti-it�l. vITT. That a connection to the public sevrer shall be made as soon as such is ®vaiIable, IY,. . That rhenever it is deternineO b1► the. C;onnirsioner of Health that additional or more adecuate ser ogre disposal facilities F,.re necessar *, such facilities s ha.11 be rrovided, plans for vili ch shall first be submitted to and receive the approval of the Den.nrtment of 1Tealth. X. That whenever the sludge and scrim shall so accumulate in any "tt ing tank as to occupy togrether at eny point more than one:--Fourth of the distance bFtwe,e'n the bottom and thy; f.?ovi line, they slilr,ll be, renoved. XI. That.vrhenever sludge and scup is renoved from anir settling* tank or an�w' N-�art of the syn+erg, it shall he done .in such s. manner a s to cvus =�e no nuisance and, the material disposed of h , burivl in some remote place at lesst 250 feet from al.c�* house, road v.ell, snr .n�, stream or ether body, of. varl,ter, a.nd covered vTith not less than incr�es of =a rth in such a manner that it rill not fl.or or tie `�P shed b rain or Melted snorT 'or other means over the. surface of the ground or into ��ny well, stream, spring or other bod;T of crater. XII. That this permit shall be revocnble at any time or .; ub jest to Moc�iA c-i-- tion or change Then in the judgment of the Connis s!oner of h;en th such revoca t,f_on, modif._cati on or change shall become, neces:�ar��.. DatE; �.-eptember 118s 1951) C0 r7IIST0.1 i tf THE 07 M OR HIS AGENT 11UST RMFIVE THIS PERMIT OR A COPY THEREOF Qo n. B. HnIlengrent Plumbing Inspector